Need waterfall advice

I'm putting together a last-minute trip to do some day and night waterfall photos. Problem is, I don't have all the gear I really need to do a good job. What I do have is a 20D with a 24-105L. I don't yet have a tripod, a circular polarizer, or a ND filter.
The tripod on my list is the 3021 BPRO w/ 322RC2 ($270). The CP I'd eventually like is the B+W 77mm MRC CP ($165). I don't know how strong a ND filter to get, but it looks like anything 77mm-ish will be ~$100.
The main issue is that I can't afford to buy it all now. I can either buy the tripod kit and swap filters back and forth with my buddies or buy the filters and share a tripod. What would you do?
Thanks for the advice,
The tripod on my list is the 3021 BPRO w/ 322RC2 ($270). The CP I'd eventually like is the B+W 77mm MRC CP ($165). I don't know how strong a ND filter to get, but it looks like anything 77mm-ish will be ~$100.
The main issue is that I can't afford to buy it all now. I can either buy the tripod kit and swap filters back and forth with my buddies or buy the filters and share a tripod. What would you do?
Thanks for the advice,
Comments :thumb
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Canon 30D, some lenses and stuff... I think im tired or something, i have a hard time concentrating.. hey look, a birdie!:clap
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And I agree with Zacker on the Cokin P ND system. Especially if you're planning to use graduated ND. I've never been a fan of the circular ND filters, not enough control of the ND location, if it's graduated. And if you wanted to use it full on over the lens, you can slide the filter down to cover the entire lens - so it's double duty. I use HiTech filters and am very happy with them.
As for CP, I, too, would strongly suggest high quality, like B+W.
And have a great itme out there.:D
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YOu do need a good tripod and a nice ND filter to really pursue waterfalls, BUT.... you have great lens for shooting waterfalls - since with IS and the wide end of the focal length, you can hand hold longer than you think
This was shot at 1/10th sec hand held in the rain
Just get out there and shoot. A Circular Polarizer will help you get a slower shutter speed too, but the 24-105 IS is a great lens for waterfalls; give it a whirl.
JUst remember that your tripod will still be useful, long after you have replaced your 20D with the newest, and latest whiz bang DSLR
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Very nice shot! Should be giving the new gear a field test this weekend. Will post some shots afterward.
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Also, any tips on developing these better would be greatly appreciated! These are a simple tweak in Lightroom. Thanks!
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