New toys: Mamiya 645 Pro Tl with 80mm,55mm,150mm,120,220,and Polaroid backs:wink
Nikon D100 with MB-D100,Nikon D70S,Nikon N90S with grip,Sigma 18-200 DC, Sigma 20mm,Nikon AF 70-300,Nikon 17-55 AF-S, Nikon, 500mm Reflex, and about 15 other old school Nikon lenses inherited from my dad...
Randy is this the AF-S ED DX kit lens?
Nikon D100 with MB-D100,Nikon D70S,Nikon N90S with grip,Sigma 18-200 DC, Sigma 20mm,Nikon AF 70-300,Nikon 17-55 AF-S, Nikon, 500mm Reflex, and about 15 other old school Nikon lenses inherited from my dad...
yes it is