Keywords Again !!
I'm trying to tidy up my keywords using the bulk caption/keyword tool but it is driving me nuts abd i would really appreciate some help.:bow:bow:bow:bow
Taking this gallery as an example
I deleted all the keywords that had previously been entered, saved with the keyword field empty, confirmed that no keywords showed.
Then I entered the following keywords:
"fabulous fezheads " " fig and date fayre 2007 " "winterbourne kingston"
However the following is what shows beneath the photos:
date fig fayre fig and date fayre 2007 winterbourne kingston fabulous fezheads
Why do the words 'date' 'fig' and 'fayre' appear in addition to the words actually entered? They also appear on the keyword page. The whole point of trying to tidy up the keywords is to remove meaningless single words that I had entered in the past.
For the record, I have cleared the browser cache, deleted and re-entered the keywords, waited for the system to update etc etc etc.
Where is Smugmug getting the odd three words from ? What implications might this have re the 15 word limit ?
Mrs (Almost) Grumpy ( yes I have re-read the postings from my last battle with keywords :scratch)
Taking this gallery as an example
I deleted all the keywords that had previously been entered, saved with the keyword field empty, confirmed that no keywords showed.
Then I entered the following keywords:
"fabulous fezheads " " fig and date fayre 2007 " "winterbourne kingston"
However the following is what shows beneath the photos:
date fig fayre fig and date fayre 2007 winterbourne kingston fabulous fezheads
Why do the words 'date' 'fig' and 'fayre' appear in addition to the words actually entered? They also appear on the keyword page. The whole point of trying to tidy up the keywords is to remove meaningless single words that I had entered in the past.
For the record, I have cleared the browser cache, deleted and re-entered the keywords, waited for the system to update etc etc etc.
Where is Smugmug getting the odd three words from ? What implications might this have re the 15 word limit ?
Mrs (Almost) Grumpy ( yes I have re-read the postings from my last battle with keywords :scratch)
Mendip Blog - Blog from The Fog, life on the Mendips - Follow me on G+
[/URL] - Follow me on G+
(Of course, you can still store more than 15 keywords/phrases but that doesn't help a whole lot without a whole lot of hacking.)
Look through my eyes on Cultural Surfaces! - customizing... currently in a state between limbo and chaos
The quoted keyword that is causing the problem has spaces between the quotes and the words. And for some reason it is then building both the quoted keyword and the single word keyword. If you remove the extra spaces I believe the keyword will be built as you expected - without the extra entries. (At least it was in my test...)
So instead of
" fig and date fayre 2007 "
"fig and date fayre 2007"
I wonder if this is a bug or by design?
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Thanks for the responses.
Denise you were spot on with your suggestion about the space between the quotes and words
I had tried entering the words one at a time and had focused all my attention on this and couldn't see beyond it. Thanks very much indeed.
Despite the fact that I was dumb for not noticing this, perhaps Smugmug might pick up on this, others may inadvertently do what I had done.
Caroline - Follow me on G+
This is a bug.
Look through my eyes on Cultural Surfaces! - customizing... currently in a state between limbo and chaos & smugmug
Cheers Ivar - Follow me on G+
Continuing my keyword saga -
In my keywords I have 88 images keyworded 'coolins' cuillins' 'cuillin hills'
and only 87 as 'the cuillins'. All 88 should have 'the cuillins'
When I select any of the 3 former keywords that presumably gives me 88 images, and also includes 1 which doesn't have 'the cuillins' ? ??
So I choose the bulk edit option for the 88 images, thinking that by looking at each one I will see which does not have 'the cuillins'. However I can only see 25 images in this mode - I'm sure someone has the answer to this, please put me out of my misery - Follow me on G+
Note there are only feeds for single keywords (no keyword combinations).
Look through my eyes on Cultural Surfaces! - customizing... currently in a state between limbo and chaos
Thank you this did help me to sort it out.
Caroline - Follow me on G+
I've spent many hours this week trying to sort out my keywords, the theory being that if my images are properly keyworded they will be found
Some of the problems were of my own making due to inconsistent use of words, and some arose because of an apparent bug in the bulk keyword/caption tool. It is a really useful exercise and if anyone is wondering why they are not appearing as they would wish in google then perhaps they should look closely at the keywords they have used.
The main purpose of my site is to show images of the "Mendip Hills" which are frequently referred to by other similar terms. I now have around 500 images keyworded with mendip etc and as long as 'photos' is added to 'mendip' etc in a google search, my site appears on the first page. I don't understand why other sites appear above me:-
[SIZE=-1] - 18k
Any thoughts on this would be much appreciated.
[/SIZE] - Follow me on G+