As you guys probably are aware, I've just started using Smugmug. My first customer jobs are shipping as we speak (some may have arrived) and frankly, I'm nervous.
I've never given up so much control and quality control before. To not pre-view what my customer is receving is nerve-racking.
To make matters worse, I just discovered the EZPrint ICC profile. All my reading led me to embed sRGB...but I didn't notice the link to the EZPRINT.ICC until now
So...a couple of questions:
- Is ANY sRGB embedded profile sufficient? (using True color)?
- Does anyone from Smugmug quality control what comes out of Georgia? How about the EZPrint folks themselves?
- If the EZPrints folks see something really flat / off coming out, do they stop it? I've gotten calls in the past from my usual color labs when something doesn't quite look right. I'd rather not find out about a problem from my customers...who, thanks to the web, no longer have as close a personal relationship with me...and who simply may not call to complain.
I'm sure everyone in this section has / has had the same fears...what do you do to minimize them?
- Gary.
I've never given up so much control and quality control before. To not pre-view what my customer is receving is nerve-racking.
To make matters worse, I just discovered the EZPrint ICC profile. All my reading led me to embed sRGB...but I didn't notice the link to the EZPRINT.ICC until now

So...a couple of questions:
- Is ANY sRGB embedded profile sufficient? (using True color)?
- Does anyone from Smugmug quality control what comes out of Georgia? How about the EZPrint folks themselves?
- If the EZPrints folks see something really flat / off coming out, do they stop it? I've gotten calls in the past from my usual color labs when something doesn't quite look right. I'd rather not find out about a problem from my customers...who, thanks to the web, no longer have as close a personal relationship with me...and who simply may not call to complain.
I'm sure everyone in this section has / has had the same fears...what do you do to minimize them?
- Gary.
By the way: I AM calibrated to the test print.
You might want to order yourself a few prints to see what the final product is like. I have done that, and every single print I've seen has been great.
Let us know your order #, I'm happy to review things for you!
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Dude...they're shipping so fast I can't catch one!
This one I just approved:
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter's ok...I can still like you...nobody's perfect
And thanks for checking into it for me! (where are my manners?)