AJAX misbehaving on Mac Safari 3.02

On Safari 3.02 (running on Mac OS X 10.4.10), the "right-arrowing" through photos (in the 'smugmug view' of a gallery) doesn't work. Nothing happens when you click on the right-arrow key.
I've tried this on numerous galleries, mine and others.
Can the smugmuggers confirm this bug and let me know if they know about it and provide an ETA on when it will be fixed?
I've tried this on numerous galleries, mine and others.
Can the smugmuggers confirm this bug and let me know if they know about it and provide an ETA on when it will be fixed?
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Hi Tom
Its not quite as simple as you describe - try using the left arrow key as well
I know nothing about Ajax but Davids comments re this beta version/Smummug are obviously very pertinent. I'll stick to Firefox
www.carolineshipsey.co.uk - Follow me on G+
I understand wanting to be on the bleeding edge, and we thank you for the bug report. I'm sure it'll be fixed eventually (either by Apple or us depending on where the problem lies), but I wouldn't hold my breath for it until after Safari 3 is no longer in beta.
Mike, well -- Safari 3 is OUT OF BETA now (effective its release with OS X 10.5 on Friday) and the smugmug is partially-broken -- from the perspective of not being able to use the arrow keys to scroll through photos on the smugmug view.
Please advise.
aka scoodog
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Tim, are you using the latest version of Safari (3.04, the one that installs with Leopard -- OS X 10.5, which was just released on Friday)?
I tried it both at my home after loading Leopard and on two computers running Leopard at the Apple Store, and against both my smugmug site (scoodog.smugmug.com) and another (neb.smugmug.com).
To be specific, the problem is this: When in smugmug view on a gallery, using the right/left arrow keys to scroll through the photos does not do anything.
Note: Firefox ( works fine under Leopard. This problem is limited to Safari 3.0.4, the first non-beta 3.x version, under 10.5 Leopard. (Although I observed this with Safari 3.0.x running as a beta under 10.4 Tiger, too.)
aka scoodog
It's not the on-screen navigation arrows that aren't working -- it's the ARROW KEYS on the keyboard that should be working. Perhaps you haven't done that before, Tim -- you can "arrow key" through a gallery's photos -- be sure to be in smugmug default mode for this.
Thanks for looking closer on your end, and hope you are enjoying Leopard. I think I like it here... plenty of new bells 'n' whistles and eye candy and cool features. Just another reason to love being a Mac person!
aka scoodog