Red X's on Palm?
I can't seem to get my thumbnails to load on my new Palm phone-once I click on the second pages of photos. The main pg. loads, rather slowly, but thats it. I can't see any photos after that especially when I click on a photo and they are very small in bytes. The unusual part is other pages like your Smugmugs home page all loads fairly fast, and my Imageevent albums load all the thumbnails easy enough. Is it a java script thing? Its not the byte limitations I know that. Sure would like to be able to use it away from home...any ideas?
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right-click protection on all I'm getting is the blank gif file. Probably the same
with you.
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I'll keep trying. Seems strange it loads my smugmug home page, its just when I click on an album it doesn't work. No right click protection so that isn't it.
Now I've moved on to a Treo 755p with the Blazer browser, and I have no access to my photos at all.. I can view parts of the page, such as the list of galleries, but no dice when going into the galleries. I've downloaded Opera Mini for the Treo, but it freezes up my 755p... It may work better on the 700p.
Anyone figure any way around this? Now that I have the bigger screen of the Treo, I'd kind of like to be able to view my galleries on the road, showing photos to friends, and viewing my parents travel galleries. The last thing I'd ever want to do is switch to another host, but if this continues in this way...
The resolution would be so small to make it not worth it.
1. I'm impatient. I have push email and the internet in my pocket. If my folks email me a gallery from one of their many travels, I want to be able to see that album immediately.
2. I get bored at work or waiting for appointments, and I really don't want to carry my laptop around with me... Plus, while I'm there, I like being able to show any picture at a moment's notice.
3. If someone were to ask what sorts of photography I'm into, it's really easy to show them rather than tell them sometimes
4. Because I can, or rather, should be able to. If I can do something on a run of the mill cell phone, I frankly find it asinine that I cannot do the same via one of the most powerful CDMA phones on the market.
Besides, the Palm has a decent sized 320X320 pixel screen with beautiful color rendition... It does a fantastic job rendering pictures, and I'd really like to show them off. I don't want to clutter up my memory or memory card with photos that I SHOULD just be able to access online...
Hopefully that explains it...
Displaying images isn't the problem. I have no problems checking out friends' flickr and pbase pages. It's got to be something with how the browser reads the page, or is reacting to the the way the Smugmug pages are written. I have a feeling that the older interface (prior to the January update) wouldn't have been a problem at all...
I was pleased to find others having this problem, as well... I was about to bring the Treo into Sprint and ask them what was wrong