Some Rodeo Pics...
It's been a good 2 months for me. I got published in 3 mag's in 2 months. 13 pics & one cover shot!:barb
Now, if I can just keep that up...
The first shot here was the cover pic (Barrel Racer News - also included for story shots for Barrel Horse News), the second should be in Humps-n-Horns (hasn't come out yet so I don't know which pics they are using), the others are just random shots (not published.)

Now, if I can just keep that up...
The first shot here was the cover pic (Barrel Racer News - also included for story shots for Barrel Horse News), the second should be in Humps-n-Horns (hasn't come out yet so I don't know which pics they are using), the others are just random shots (not published.)

Thanks moose,
I've been published before, but this was my first cover and it's kind of exiting!
You gotta' love the little fellas', man they hold on for all there worth.