Copy Gallery & Copy single photo price
How do I copy a gallery into another category?
How do I save pricing for a single photo that I can use for other single photos?
How do I save pricing for a single photo that I can use for other single photos?
If you are looking to have two galleries with the same images. Make a second copy of the image and use the move tool to put the image in the gallery you need. If you have a lot of images, it might be best to upload to the new gallery directly from your computer. More information here on move and make 2nd copy:
Once you save your pricing one one gallery it will will be available as a "Quick Input" on the top of the Por pricing page. More info on pricing here:
Ley us know if you need any more info or help..:)
Yes, I want to copy the entire gallery and place it in another category, in essence have the gallery available under two separate categories.
I have used the copy Gallery pricing before but I was hoping there was a "save single photo price" command so that I can price individual photos in a gallery at different prices without having to go through the huge pricing list each time.
There is a customer-written app, called Mass Make 2nd Copy, you can find it here:
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Thanks - and for the other question...about "save single photo price" please say there is a fix.