Finally have a studio strobe..
I finally got myself a studio strobe (dirt cheap). I picked up a Photogenic Porta-Master 400. Its ancient, but it works, and its easy to haul around. For $100, can I beat it?
Oh, and to go along with that.. I got the e-clipse remote flash trigger for $80.
Actually, the first shoot I used them on, I was amazed at how easy it was to shoot with, and how well having even just a single strobe with umbrella worked. I'd post the images here, but they are all nudes.. Next shoot I'll give you guys a sample of what I came up with..
Just to reply more directly, flash meter. I just use trial and error, and occasionally bracketing. It may not be as perfect, but its a lot cheaper than the meters..
I keep trying to practice with it, but I can't believe how many models have flaked on me over the last month. Its very annoying..
Better them to flake on you before you shoot them than have them pay half at front, half later, find out they cant or wont pay later. Save may have just saved yourself some drama.
Btw, where did you get such a cool deal?
I got at New York Camera and Video..
But I think I got that price because they were stuck with it for a while. In fact, I think about 6 months prior when I had asked them for their cheapest lighting solution, he had offered me that same setup for not quite but close to double the price.
Still, they are a very good store, they have lots of old to recent used equipment and large and medium format stuff if you are into that..
And I like getting my stuff printed there for two, they are pretty high quality to begin with.. and two.. One of my best friends runs their processing.. So any time something looks a little off, he'll contact me by phone to make sure of what I want before he prints it..