Wireless router distance

I am opening a new photo studio that is about a block away from my apartment. I was wondering if anyone knew if there is a way to send a wireless signal that far? Are there routers or antennas or receivers that can be utilized to make it work in that distance?
-Fleetwood Mac
You also could look into some 3rd-party firmware for your router. The stuff available for Linksys routers will allow you to turn up the transmission power on the router.
good luck!
Several tricks I've learned over the years:
Good luck! Let me know if you have any questions - I can go get some pictures of the installations we've done in the past also.
PS: In response:
There's a very small number of Linksys (or other) products capable of running alternate firmware; the common Linksys models have been off the market for years save for the special order WRT54GL. Turning up the transmit power won't help much at all, and can lead to overheating (and locking up) or a radically shortened lifespan of the router. Not to mention it doesn't alter the signal to noise ratio, which helps signal strength more than anything else. See http://wiki.openwrt.org/Faq#head-90c2e50fca397125fd055d4f9d06ba3b07b8b9a8
Wow... some very interesting (and a little geeky too) reading here. Lots and lots of booster antenna ideas ranging from cardboard and aluminum to chinese cookware! I love it!
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
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