my fireworks thread.

please take it easy on me.. im new here and not as good as some of you other photographers although i hope to be someday. here are a couple of mine from tonight, if you have time for some comments or critiques that would be awesome!
here is one.. i have the rest on my flickr account if you would like to see more. i would like c&c on this one though.. i think its my favorite from the set. I switched between M & A/V to get different effects. my settings were ISO 100, AV 8.0, 1/8

heres my link for the rest!
here is one.. i have the rest on my flickr account if you would like to see more. i would like c&c on this one though.. i think its my favorite from the set. I switched between M & A/V to get different effects. my settings were ISO 100, AV 8.0, 1/8

heres my link for the rest!
Looking for tips on macro photography? Check out my Blog: No Cropping Zone.
Ahahaha your Fireworks shots are wayyyyyyy better than mine I tell ya!
Captured quite a few bursts there too.
Real nice
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
My Gallery
We didn't start out with perfect photos our first tries either ... (they are lieing if they say they did)
I think you did very well.