help help conversion issues!
When I view the RAW image in Canon zoombrowser it looks impeccable, However, when i convert to cs2, the image is now softer, color has shifted, etc. How do I keep the best version of the image to work with? How are others converting their Cannon xt files to tiffs?:dunno
What exactly do you mean by "convert to cs2"? Are you opening the .CR2 file in ACR or are you using another program first to create a tiff?
I no longer have ZoomBrowser on my machine, so I'm not sure what's going on. Do you shoot RAW only? My first thought is that perhaps you are looking at a camera produced JPG in ZoomBrowser, which will not look the same as a RAW file. Another possibility is a mis-match somewhere in the color profile settings.
I'm hoping someone else will jump in here with some information specific to the software you are trying to use.
I use Raw Shooter Essentials, first for culling pics and then to convert the RAWs to TIFFs. I do a whole bunch of pics at once, so that at the end of the process, I have a folder full of TIFFs, which I process in Photoshop later. Unfortunately RSE is no longer available, but there are many other programs that can do the conversion for you, including DPP. You can also use ACR, which is included with Photoshop. I will probably switch to ACR once I get a more powerful machine. My current laptop is literally held together with duct tape.
There's no single correct workflow. How you get from RAW files to your finished product depends a lot on your own needs and preferences.