Where can I find a Safrotto CF700 camera bag in Canada?
Where can I find a Safrotto CF700 camera bag in Canada?
I started out looking for a medium size over the shoulder (satchel style) camera bag that doesn't look like a "camera bag". A sales guy in the local photo store (in Vancouver, BC) suggested that I check out Billingham and Domke brands.
After a little web research I decided that I liked Billingham Hadley Pro and Domke F-803. Well.... the Hadley Pro is about $250 US (my budjet is about $100 Canadian) and it looks a little too fancy (I wanted a more casual look). The F-803 looked just right.
Then I accidentally stumbled upon a link that mentioned a Domke F-803 clone - Safrotto CF700. I have never heard of Sufrotto brand before. Judjing by the web pictures these bags look identical. The reviews in various forums say that Safrotto is as good or better then Domke at much lower price. However, I cannot find any Sufrotto dealers in Canada.
Any information would be greatly appreciated.
I started out looking for a medium size over the shoulder (satchel style) camera bag that doesn't look like a "camera bag". A sales guy in the local photo store (in Vancouver, BC) suggested that I check out Billingham and Domke brands.
After a little web research I decided that I liked Billingham Hadley Pro and Domke F-803. Well.... the Hadley Pro is about $250 US (my budjet is about $100 Canadian) and it looks a little too fancy (I wanted a more casual look). The F-803 looked just right.
Then I accidentally stumbled upon a link that mentioned a Domke F-803 clone - Safrotto CF700. I have never heard of Sufrotto brand before. Judjing by the web pictures these bags look identical. The reviews in various forums say that Safrotto is as good or better then Domke at much lower price. However, I cannot find any Sufrotto dealers in Canada.
Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Link to Vistek
Link to Henry's
But ran a google on Domke F-803 clone and got this write up on the RANGEFINDER FORUM.......I truly think I would same me Canadian Pennies and go with a name brand after this short read......camera protection is just something not to mess about with -