Printer has a Magenta Cast - P2200
I'm using an Epson P2200 and no matter what I do, the printer adds magenta. I end up running an action which does a selective color filter to withdraw magenta from the reds and magentas...then the printing is better.
Even printing a pure B&W (0a0b all over) the print has a magenta haze.
I'm printing to the Epson profile for my printer and the Epson lustre paper.
Anyone can help?
- Gary.
Even printing a pure B&W (0a0b all over) the print has a magenta haze.
I'm printing to the Epson profile for my printer and the Epson lustre paper.
Anyone can help?
- Gary.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Have you tried to check for clogged heads? Is your monitor calibrated (although you the fact that Lab is showing 0a0b indicates that it should be good) Maybe something has been set in the driver to "tone" the print. Is it being double profiled as in PS is set to manage colors but the driver is set to manage colors via the printer (this can cause some very interesting effect
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Whenever I get a funny looking print theses days, it is usually because I have not made a print in a while - like after a vacation - and that is always due to clogged heads.
I love my Epson printers, but their heads do clog easily - especially in dry weather ( running your air conditioner a lot these days??)
You do have your printer driver set so the color is managed by Photoshop, and not by the printer, don't you?
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Thanks for these thoughts, but I print almost regularly and NEVER had good colors coming out of the I said, the best I can do is run an action to suck out magenta from the reds and magentas...then the color is ok...still, I'd love to get more precise.
Yes, PS manages my colors and the printers ICM is turned off.
Oh...and the set up is in my basement where my dehumidifier has been running non-stop for quite some time lately!
Maybe it's time to call Epson? Does anyone else have this printer running well?
It does sound like you're software is correct, but it is either in the software correcting the color twice, or you have a plugged print head.
When you run the print utility checking for clogged nozzles, do you see each block of color fully and correctly?
What profiles are you using for your paper? Are the profiles for the P2200?
Are you printing on quality Epson paper( apparently Premium Lustre ), or some store brand? Whose profile for the paper are you using? Is it the correct profile for the paper you are printing on?
I am not trying to be intrusive, but somewhere there has been a mistake performed that is not yet corrected, as the Epson P2200 should give lovely images, that compare favorably with the best even today.
I find that when printing B&W that I seem to get less metamerism with the Printer doing the color correction with an Absolute Colorimetric rendering intent, unlike color where I let Photshop do the color correcting and print in Relative Colorimetric rendering intent.
If your monitor is profiled, and you are using the proper Epson profiles for Epson paper, your print should match your monitor quite closely. Mine always match my monitor, whether printed on the P2200 or the Stylus 4000. You definitely should not need to run an action to correct the color if the system is set up properly. You have run the head cleaning utility, haven't you?
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin