Alberta Winter Games Update

Got the RFP from them today. It is quite specific and comprehensive.
At this point, I'd love to talk specifics with a few of you (as many as may be interested). The RFP due date is August 15, 2007.
Interestingly, they are asking for specific deliverables (all photos on disk for their unlimited future use, 1000 hard copies etc) in exchange for exclusive rights to sell to athletes and spectators. 2 or 3 different viewing locations, ability to sell on line after the games.
At this point, I'd love to talk specifics with a few of you (as many as may be interested). The RFP due date is August 15, 2007.
Interestingly, they are asking for specific deliverables (all photos on disk for their unlimited future use, 1000 hard copies etc) in exchange for exclusive rights to sell to athletes and spectators. 2 or 3 different viewing locations, ability to sell on line after the games.
FWIW,this was the Original Thread
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Sounds good.
I'm up for it.
pm: Sent
Thanks. I'll be in touch shortly. Not too many details yet.
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1. I would have to invest in all of the equipment. That would be okay if there was reason to believe that this event would pay for a portion of the equipment - 10 or 20 % even.
2. I have worked freelance for an event photog this past weekend. We sold to 10% of participants. He tells me that is quite typical. Because he is paying me, and paying for the priviledge of being the named photog, he is not likely to break even. But he hopes that he can grow the business as this event recurs. The winter games probably wouldn't recur. (He was also asked to bid on the winter games, and has not yet).
3. I have heard from another photog that decided against getting certified to be a volunteer photog at the western canada summer games recently. To be certified he had to commit to 20hrs at the officials discretion, and he couldn't make the commitment. However, he was asked by a coach to shoot a team - he got told by an organizer that wasn't kosher (I understand) but then got a chuckle out of watching the volunteers all cover the same tennis court rather than spread out - ie organization was a big challenge.
So in order to do this I would need to be able to hire enough photogs to not rely on the volunteers. Local economy here pays starting staff at McDonalds $12 an hour. To cover 24 events in 48 hours, some indoors and some out, buy equipment, provide the event with all photos as prints(a requirement) going to cost a lot of money. If 10% of participants purchasing is in fact accurate, there is not a good business case here.
I am open to hearing other arguments.
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I've been keeping tabs with this post (yours) since the beginning. Your last response was my first one after reading the original. I just couldn't see it happening. The magic of the big numbers was certainly worth reviewing but I just couldn't see you making any money. I've had an opportunity to bid on similar jobs in the past and declined. I think you made a good business decision considering the facts that you were given.
I hafta admit, I was hoping the same thing - but (reality speaking) I doubt it would have been much of a vacation if we were shooting as much Ann suggested needed to be done.
One one hand, I'm sorry to hear that you're not going through w/ the RFP, but also feel you probably made the right (if hard) decision.
check out my (sports) pics:
*Thanks to Boolsacho for the avatar photo (from the dgrin portrait project)
Gary and Colleen - come on up for a vacation any time you want! But trust me - February isn't the best time to come to Alberta!!!!!(can't find a frozen smilie)
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My Galleries My Photography BLOG
Ramblings About Me
check out my (sports) pics:
*Thanks to Boolsacho for the avatar photo (from the dgrin portrait project)