WTB: canon 430ex

ok, I'm getting sick of being outbid on ebay. I'm looking for a used 430ex flash, depending on condition/number of cycles on the bulb, I'd be happy to pay $150 to $200. I'm seeing used ones go on ebay for more than new lately. (why? because as near as I can tell there are a lot of *idiots* on eBay that don't know about any real photo stores and just assume that because it's used and on eBay it *must* be cheaper than buying new.) I figure there's got to be enough folks that recently took the plunge up to a 580 and aren't using their old 430s any more... let me take it off your hands.

SmugMug Sorcerer - Engineering Team Champion for Commerce, Finance, Security, and Data Support
I'm in the same boat! I'm not in a hurry, but I'm keeping tabs on the forums and craigslist. I may even swing by Samys and pay retail:wow :crazy