Singh Ray Color Combo vs. G-n-B Pola vs. Warming Pola
Which to buy. I need to buy new filters in 77mm for my new lens set and the lenses I want to rent. Travel and Landscape photography, primarily. I'm very interested in opinions and think the Color Combo is pretty cool.
Thanks in advance!
Thanks in advance!
with that.
I can't seem to find my gold examples on water I wanted to show. have to look tonight.
Color combo filter is a nice polarizer, it is very suttle and in fact mostly, could probably change saturations in photoshop. But it's less post processing if you can get your images as close to what you want as possible first. That's my take. I like to just go in, set sharpness up a bit typically, check noise level for a single reduct in noise, set color set, adjust to 8 bit and save as JPG.
Overcooked blue!
Blue and Gold sets highlights here
Alternately, if you want a REALLY good polarizer, but don't want to spend as much, I have a Heliopan I like well too...