Smug Mug email list question. Able to sort into groups?

Is there anyway to sort emails saved in my SM account into groups?
High School Sports Group
Road Cycling
Mountain Biking
Soccer Club
I am now sending out invatations when I upload new galleries.
The only way I see how to do this is clicking on each individual email to add them to the email list which gets very slow and combersome - as well as I do not want to send invitations to everyone.
It would be nice if it was possible to sort emails into "Groups" so when invitations are sent out - all we needed to do was select the "group" and be on our way.
High School Sports Group
Road Cycling
Mountain Biking
Soccer Club
I am now sending out invatations when I upload new galleries.
The only way I see how to do this is clicking on each individual email to add them to the email list which gets very slow and combersome - as well as I do not want to send invitations to everyone.
It would be nice if it was possible to sort emails into "Groups" so when invitations are sent out - all we needed to do was select the "group" and be on our way.
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Anything to make my/our life easier and yours and coders more difficult
Michael & smugmug
Nikon | Private Photojournalist
Or heck, even if the 'add email' function would let us add more than one email address to one recipient so that would be a generic way to add groups.
Nikon | Private Photojournalist