July 13th Release Notes

Just a short update... Don will get our release notes blog updated, I'm sure, but I wanted to give you all a heads up on some new stuff on the site:
- iPhone Support :evil try this url on your iPhone: http://YOURSMUGNAME.smugmug.com/iphone/
- On your homepage, it now says "move to control panel" instead of "hide" for the different boxes. You'd be surprised at the number of folks that clicked "hide" and then wrote our help desk, frantic, "where are my galleries! They're Gone!" Man, we were sorta dum with that. We also made it way easier for you to see your hidden galleries box in your control panel. Finally, in control panel, it now says "move to homepage" instead of "show."
- Featured Gallery box bug fixed. If you removed the first featured gallery, then the entire box would not show up. if you removed the second featured, then the #3 and #4 would not be shown
It is now such that if you have ANY spot featured, the box would show up. - Made a small change to Dark Sand Theme. All Words Had First Letter Capitalized. It Looked Dumb And Some People Didn't Like It. It is all normal now
- Fixed a dum bug in the Grey Theme, Single add to cart, you could not see the words "added to cart: 1 of 1" in the ajax overlay page.
- Pros now have a little toggle on the prosales reporting page in control panel: show all, show paid, show not paid. Makes the page much easier to work with now. We also added the amout paid for shipping, as some folks needed this amount for tax purposes. Finally here, the .csv download file has added filename and shipping amount to the report.
- Pros! Your own Proof Delay orders now, when you are logged in, and ordering from a proof delay gallery, will BYPASS proof delay :clap :clap
- All of these help pages got touched - either updated, or a bug fix, or some new wording.
Thanks for the iphone link. It showed me that several galleries somehow lost password protection. These have now been fixed (I hope)
smugmug nickname: mpmcleod
You might check this one:
2006_07_25 ?
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Good job guys! Nice to see the smaller, older bugs getting squished along with the new features. Keep up the good work!
Galleries here Upcoming Ranch/Horse Workshop
Yes, apparently some setting were not properly set (or had become unset or something). I was sure that I had all my photos which were under PhotosByDate protected. Either way with the iphone tool I can see rapidly which ones are not protected. I think I have it fixed now.
Maybe in 3-4 years I will get an iphone and use it for its intended purpose.
smugmug nickname: mpmcleod