the results of your help

a bunch of you helped me put captions on some pics in this thread
the publication just put out their feb issue, it's right here
so, a big thank you :bow :bow to you guys :thumb
the publication just put out their feb issue, it's right here
so, a big thank you :bow :bow to you guys :thumb
To do that, he needs to be up close and personal with my subjects, and so i really enjoy shooting with these lenses.
He enjoy street photography,
as he has been able to make capture some very incredible moments.
lol, just thought some of the wording was odd.
Also, is there suppose to be a sixth image? seems odd to have a slot for it but nothing there.
Very nice to get the attention Andy! Sorry I missed your chat last night! I hope that you get alot of flow to your site for all your recent exposure.
Good Work!
Speak with sweet words, for you never know when you may have to eat them....
...that an article "on language" would have grammar and typos?
thanks tim
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I've never seen so many mistakes!
hehe thanks for looking, dee
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Congratulations once again!
Nir Alon
images of my thoughts
You truly are an inspiration. I have much respect for you and the work you share. Although I can't say I "know" you, I am proud to say I know where you frequent
Awesome work and I can only hope to one day be compared to Andy Williams....
MM Portfolio
Canon 30D | Canon 50mm f/1.8 | Tamron 28-75mm f/2.8 | Canon Speedlite 580ex