What about wallpaper?

Here is an idea that's been floating around in my gray matter for a while, a chance to generate some additional $$$...
Imagine a special gallery that someone could create, a wallpaper gallery, that they could set "wallpaper pricing" on. As a SmugMug user I would just create a new gallery, designate it as wallpaper, and set up pricing (possibly even resolution based pricing). There would be a maximum resolution limit that the gallery owner would be able to set.
On the scrip side the person buying the wallpaper would be allowed to select the resolution that they want (maybe some script that could check their resolution for them -some people don't know what resolution their monitor is), choose the crop (like the current script for prints), and then buy and download the wallpaper.
Pricing would have to be kept low, otherwise I don't think anyone would do it. I'd also like to see an option for free wallpaper just to get people interested in the service.
The photographer is somewhat protected, since the end user would not be getting the original full size image. I'm sure some sort of watermarking could also be done, and in a way that wouldn't kill the value of the photo for the end user.
Imagine a special gallery that someone could create, a wallpaper gallery, that they could set "wallpaper pricing" on. As a SmugMug user I would just create a new gallery, designate it as wallpaper, and set up pricing (possibly even resolution based pricing). There would be a maximum resolution limit that the gallery owner would be able to set.
On the scrip side the person buying the wallpaper would be allowed to select the resolution that they want (maybe some script that could check their resolution for them -some people don't know what resolution their monitor is), choose the crop (like the current script for prints), and then buy and download the wallpaper.
Pricing would have to be kept low, otherwise I don't think anyone would do it. I'd also like to see an option for free wallpaper just to get people interested in the service.
The photographer is somewhat protected, since the end user would not be getting the original full size image. I'm sure some sort of watermarking could also be done, and in a way that wouldn't kill the value of the photo for the end user.
As for free, - can do the same thing, make a gallery and enable original files.
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Kinda. I was thinking along the lines of having the script / software resize the images. But I guess it could be done with the originals. Would be easy for someone to buy a wallpaper and then print it for themselves, so if you are selling prints...
Granted, there would be nothing stopping someone from buying a 1600x1200 wallpaper and printing it -but it wouldn't be as good as the original...
Looking for tips on macro photography? Check out my Blog: No Cropping Zone.