trefpeg wrote: How do you center the slideshow on the seems to be all the way to the left .... sorry still new!
trefpeg wrote: I guess this would help ....sorry
trefpeg wrote: Now the banner moved over to the left? What can I do to move that ... IT is looking pretty nice Thanks
Assuming it's in the bio.
Probably add the text-align: center; to one of these in your CSS.
#bioBox {text-align: center;}
#userBio {text-align: center;}
My Website index | My Blog
I guess this would help ....sorry
but just placed by html in your header code.
Good thing we could look because you're missing the closing } for your
banner code. Also add a little margin bottom to push the slideshow down.
#my_banner {
width: 750px;
height: 200px;
margin: 0 auto;
margin-bottom: 20px;
background: url( no-repeat;
#mySlideshow {text-align: center;}
My Website index | My Blog
I dont have a clue about code.
Insert the two red lines just below the properties line in your slideshow footer code.
/* see properties section */
slideHeight = "400"; //visible height of slide
slideWidth = "640"; //visible width of slide
also remove the red in this
slideshowUrl = "";
My Website index | My Blog
What can I do to move that ...
IT is looking pretty nice Thanks
<div id="my_banner"> </div>
Trying to figure out why the space is there and it's running but can't see the slideshow here.
Add the margin: 0 auto; back in to center show.
#my_banner {
width: 750px;
height: 200px;
margin: 0 auto;
margin-bottom: 20px;
background: url( no-repeat;
My Website index | My Blog
....Plus you taught me something ....