I'm new to SmugMug

When I first registered, I was asked about a coupon code. Since I don't have one, is anyone out there willing to give me a coupon code? I used to have a PhotoSite webpage, but they are discontinuing their service. I'm looking forward to using SmugMug
I have been interested in photography since I was 12 -- over 60 years ago. I have been using a Canon 20D for about 2 1/2 years. I'll try to upload some pictures when I figure out how to do it. I'll also send a picture if I can figure how to do that, too.
John Deupree
I have been interested in photography since I was 12 -- over 60 years ago. I have been using a Canon 20D for about 2 1/2 years. I'll try to upload some pictures when I figure out how to do it. I'll also send a picture if I can figure how to do that, too.
John Deupree
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
Looks like you're off to a good start. We also have an official introduce yourself thread here. Looking forward to seeing your work.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Denise, Thanks for the coupon code. I'll try to learn how to use SmugMug.
Thanks for the info. I still haven't figured out how to use the "Official intoduce yourself thread here" yet. I'll work on that.
This thread might help. And with a Smugmug account, you can link pictures directly into posts without using the attach method.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Hello all,
I am Harsh (Hershy) from Mumbai, India. I joined SmugMug this year and am enjoying sharing pictures with friends and family. Joined DGrin this week and am getting to know the workings but did enjoy some of the threads and pictures.
I have been taking pictures since many years - earlier on Nikon SLRs and now on Nikon D200 and a Hassleblad Xpan film camera. My interest are varied but travel, people and events catch my eye.
Here I hope to share my pictures and learn from you all.
Do visit my SmugMug galleries at hershy@smugmug.com or personal site at www.javeri.net.
own site www.javeri.net
Hi Hershy
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
ALBUM http://ozzieskip.smugmug.com/
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
1st link is an email address I believe.......but your personal site is great...thanks for sharing.
Photosite Refugees get 50% off the first year
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Thanks for visitng my site and yes you are correct, I goofed up! The SmugMug address should be hershy.smugmug.com . Have just returned from work so will check your site later.
own site www.javeri.net
Nice photos there
My Gallery
Hello Awais,
Thanks for the welcome, we are almost neighbors! Had a quick look at the photos at your site and was impressed.
Let's keep in touch
own site www.javeri.net