CS3 Crashing .......Help!!!

Been dealing with this for a few days now and about to go crazy.:huh
I upgraded to CS3 early this year and it's been working just fine.
Few days ago after working on a photo for a long time went to hit save and cs3 crashed.
I thought it was just a fluke so I again worked on the same photo for a long and hit save as and cs3 crashed again.
So I repaired cs3 with the install disk which took forever and it did the same thing.
Every time I try to save a file it crashes....Help!!!!!
I guess I could unstall cs3 and cs2 and cs but this would take a long time.
Any ideas ?
I upgraded to CS3 early this year and it's been working just fine.
Few days ago after working on a photo for a long time went to hit save and cs3 crashed.
I thought it was just a fluke so I again worked on the same photo for a long and hit save as and cs3 crashed again.
So I repaired cs3 with the install disk which took forever and it did the same thing.
Every time I try to save a file it crashes....Help!!!!!
I guess I could unstall cs3 and cs2 and cs but this would take a long time.
Any ideas ?
I can only speak for Windows, but I have encountered the odd application that once it crashes once, will continue to crash, unless you delete all temp files that the program has created. In Windows, just search for any *.tmp files. You can pretty much safely delete any tmp file in your default Temp directory.
If you're on another platform, someone else will need to chime in ...
I am running CS3 (upgrade) on Vista Ultimate and have not encounted any problems so far.
Bridge messed up a couple of times so ??
I will check msconfig good idea
My antivirus program just expired been putting that off for a little whild.
I just did a scan disk and check disk before this happend.
Also my ups batteries died when the power went out due to storms.
And XP was up and running when it lost power after that is when I started having trouble.
So maybe the power outage messed up something in XP or my computer ?
Well I try a few things and see.
Thanks for the help
Sorry I can't help you with the issue (I'm all mac based...) however, you might try searching these forums for an answer (I had an issue with Bridge and found the answer here)
Go here:
Next Race - MotoGP Donington
Immediately after clicking on the CS3 icon to start the program, hold down CTRL+ALT+Shift ( Windows) or CMND+ OPTION+ Shift ( Mac) to reset the preferences for PSCS3.
If it makes you feel any better, I have had CS3 crash occaisionally also. But not continuously.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
For anti virus that truly auto update (daily sometimes 2 or 3 times a day)
Free for home users also
I actually run both but I am a bit over cautious about viruses...it seems that avast has the tendacy to catch stuff faster or maybe it runs everything first then passes it on to avg.....but they are way better than Norton (synmantec) or Macaffie..........
Did you run the Checkdisk before or after the hard crash? If after, what sectors were bad? And did you repair them or what? The timing seems awfully concidental
Assuming the surge suppression on your UPS held up, the drive crashing could be the cause. Did you have the PC just up and running or was it actually processing soemthing in the background (like PS or any other files)?
-Fleetwood Mac
First, my sympathies.
Since the error is repeatable, it is not a fluke. Most likely, there is file corruption, probably in the PS swap files. If you have an external drive, make that drive your only swap drive in the CS3 configuration. Or if you already are using an external drive for swap, change it to your C: drive. If it works in the new configuration, that will pin it down to the swap files. Note that chkdsk might not see the problem as it could be Adobe data structures in the file that are screwed up and not the Windows file system itself. I don't know whether you can just delete the swap files...maybe someone else here has experience with recreating them.
It might end up saving you time to uninstall and reinstall CS3,
If you are really determined to understand the cause of the failure, you should get in touch with Adobe tech support. When a Windows program crashes, it creates a log entry with detailed information about the state of the system. I don't know about XP, but on Win2K (and earlier versions) the log file is called drwtsn32.log and it is found in C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\DrWatson. It is a simple text file, and you can search it to find the entries that were caused by Photoshop. Unless you are a programmer, it will be complete gibberish, but if you send the log to Adobe, someone there will be able to figure out what happened--though probably not the first level person that answers the phone.
Good luck and please let us know what the solution turns out to be.
Yes. I just reread the thread, and you said that you ran the disk utilities before the crashes, but you didn't say anything about after. Run them again and use the repair option. If things are badly screwed up, it sometimes takes repeated scans to fix all the damage. The newer Windows file system (NTFS) is pretty good at self-healing, but it is not perfect.
Andrew I did do a search and it came back with swap disk errors in those same forums.
So I have to look when I get off work.
Jim I have to try also I really thought the reinstall would work.
Art never heard about those antivirus programs I'll have to have a look
...antivirus programs what a racket ohhh don't get me started :soapbox
I never shut down my computer
When I am done for the day I just make it hibernate and shut down the screens.
When the ups lost its power and the batteries were dead the computer was in the hibernate mode.
CS3 was running Bridge was running and 2 windows of Windows file explorer were running...might even had Iview Pro running.
Several filed were open in CS3 so I lost all of those.
When the power came back on my computer was off.
I hit the power button but the computer would not come on...this is when I started freaking out :yikes
I then hit the small reset button and the computer started to fire up this is when I starter to breathe again.:whew
Have to try all these suggestions when I get home from work
This work thing really get in the way of my fun
Well here's what I did
1 Tried Jims(pathfinder) suggestion still crashed
2 Tried checkdisk several times no luck
3 Deleted all .tmp files although could not delete all but most but still crashed
4 Tried changing drives for swap files and no luck
5 Tried msconfig and ran in a kinda safe mode very few basic drivers no luck here also
6 Unstalled CS3 and reinstalled CS3 and no luck
7 Unstalled CS3 and then deleted all references in the registry to PS 10 still no luck
8 I repaired Windows XP again no luck
I restarted my computer after each try :whew
I had to unstall CS3 then CS2 and then CS this is the only thing that would work.
I guess all the different versions must share filles or .dll files?
So I assume it was either CS or CS2 had the bad file ????
I just happy it's fix.
It also started to crashed when in CS3 I tried to open a file...I didn't noticed this before because I use Bridge to open my files.
Thanks for all the help everyone
Not sure if I learned anything or not...except maybe upgrades aren't the way to go...to many disk to feed
I sure wish Adobe would just give you the full version when you upgrade then you could delete older copies.
I just love a happy ending...............untill the next crash that is...
Whata lotta work!!
Glad you got things up and running again, Fred.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Funny you would say that. I always assumed the same thing. Probably read it in a forum somewhere.
So maybe I could have uninstalled CS after I went to CS2, but never could I uninstall PS7. I swear I didn't make that up, but... when I upgraded to CS3, the kindly Adobe tech / sales rep said I could uninstall all older versions. I believe it verifies the existence of the old version, but it doesn't need to actually be installed. Really, I am not making this up. That is what he told me.:crazy :crazy
Makes no diff. I not only upgraded to CS3, I jumped platforms to the Mac at the same time. They shipped me the full Mac CS3.
-Fleetwood Mac
I installed the Windows CS3 downloaded from the Adobe site where I bought the upgrade. When I installed it, it asked for the License key from a previous qualifying version. Since I was installing it on a new notebook instead of the desktop CS was installed on this was a clean install. I don't remember but I thought it worked the same way V7 to CS but that was a while ago...
Mike Mattix
Tulsa, OK
"There are always three sides to every story. Yours, mine, and the truth" - Unknown
Yes I did try the beta CS3 and before I installed my upgrade I did uninstall the beta version.
I didn't "super-unstall" it ?
Also a side note...since the reinstall of CS3 it has not crashed yet but Bridge has. (about a week now)
One thing in bridge I noticed is that I lose my scrolling with the arrow keys and also with the mouse wheel quite a lot.
I do a shut down and a restart of Bridge and it's back?
OK then I recommend going to the Adoibe forums and checking out the correct way to uninstall te Beta as it has caused everyone huge problems installing the full version and for it to keep working
Personally I wiped the HD eventually and reinstalled everything it was so hard to clear ALL ( every single iota of reference to it) the beta files - a huge c**k up by Adobe IMO ( and many other opinion)
They do supply a uninstaller for the beta version which runs separately but you have to manyually remove many files FIRST before even running the uninstaller
Once you have done all that and reinstalled CS3 you will need to perform the latest update to CS3 after which Bridge should behave itself
Good luck