LPS #9 - Emancipation
Here's a picture I took yesterday. Any good for the contest?
Canon Rebel XTi w/18-55mm kit lens
100-300mm USM
100mm macro USM & Kenko extension tubes
Canon Rebel XTi w/18-55mm kit lens
100-300mm USM
100mm macro USM & Kenko extension tubes
Website: Tom Price Photography
Blog: Capturing Photons
Facebook: Tom Price Photography
Here's the definition of emancipating:
1 : to free from restraint, control, or the power of another; especially : to free from bondage
2 : to release from paternal care and responsibility and make sui juris
3 : to free from any controlling influence
I thought that since the fence was put their by his parents to control him and he was getting out, that the title fit.
I had also thought about calling it "The Great Escape". Any better?
I was also bothered by the background light, but when I tried to darken them, it didn't look right. Maybe I should try cloning it out using the darker areas of the back ground?
And I was wondering what everyone thought about having the strip of grass at the bottom. Should I leave it so the fence posts aren't cut off or crop the grass out to clean the picture up and focus more on the fence and its climber?
Canon Rebel XTi w/18-55mm kit lens
100-300mm USM
100mm macro USM & Kenko extension tubes
Cool shot!
Canon Rebel XTi w/18-55mm kit lens
100-300mm USM
100mm macro USM & Kenko extension tubes
I would say that the photo has no problem fitting the theme, just that a different title would fit better what is going on there. It's all up to you, and remember that our critique isn't argument!
www.HoofClix.com / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
I think "The Great Escape" is more fitting, but too cliche, so I was just looking for something a little more original. Still thinking...
I'll try to fix the background later today and post the revised version. Thanks for all the encouraging support everyone.
Canon Rebel XTi w/18-55mm kit lens
100-300mm USM
100mm macro USM & Kenko extension tubes
Hmmm.....I just reread this comment and like the sound of it. Would you mind if I titled the shot: "Making a Break For It" ?
Canon Rebel XTi w/18-55mm kit lens
100-300mm USM
100mm macro USM & Kenko extension tubes
www.HoofClix.com / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
I tried cloning out the bright areas, but wasn't happy with the results. So then I tried using the magic wand and adjusting those areas with burning, fill, levels, etc., but it looked very fake. (I couldn't blend the edges of the adjusted areas very well.)
Finally, I made a duplicate layer and used the motion blur on it. Then I made another copy of the original layer and moved it to the top layer. On that top layer, I erased just the back ground area that was too bright, revealing the more subdued, blurred layer beneath it.
Does it work better now? Anybody know a way to get better results? I'm still pretty unskilled at Photoshop and only have the 5.0 Limited Edition, so I can't do anything too fancy. Any help or opinions would be great.
Canon Rebel XTi w/18-55mm kit lens
100-300mm USM
100mm macro USM & Kenko extension tubes
When you cloned the area out, were you cloning darker sky or leaves? I think filling that spot with some of the leaves around it would eliminate the problem and avoid anything looking too fake.
Thanks for all the help everyone.
Canon Rebel XTi w/18-55mm kit lens
100-300mm USM
100mm macro USM & Kenko extension tubes