Pros and Cons

of photography schools/colleges? certificates/degrees? online/local schools? Please share your thoughts. I am curious about the pros and cons of any of it.
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It think the first question I have is: what are you going to do with the degree/certificate? What is your goal and how will any of those help you achieve it?
I am a big fan of education and learning. I have a college degree, and I'm glad I have it. I have a high level professional certification - it pays the bills. And very little of it has helped me with my later-in-life photographic avocation.
So I do a lot of reading and research, talk to people in person and on forums, take classes and workshops all across the country, and shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot and shoot. And then I post images looking for (ouch!) honest critiques. That works for me.
And it may work for you. Or not. Maybe a degree granting program would be best for you, especially if you do not have a degree in anything else.
-Fleetwood Mac