On the tagline, I think "Creative Portraits" is best. I like the name "Modern Portrait Photography" - but I'm not sure what it means. Not sepia toned or from the 1880's? Not Kodachrome?
Definitely not "Photojournalistic" anything. Again ambiguous. And the shots you present didn't fit any of my pre-conceived notions of what it could have meant.
On the images themselves, I like #1 best, but it doesn't seem sharp, especially in the eyes. Then #3. I think the subject looking at you is how most people will want portraits (maybe 3/4), so the eyes have to sell it.
I agree the text is very hard to read. Definitely too small even accounting for the conversion. Also too 'scripty' (alright, maybe it isn't a word, but I think you know what I mean). But don't complicate the message with too much flourish.
But I do like the direction you are heading.
"Don't ask me what I think of you, I might not give the answer that you want me to. Oh well."
-Fleetwood Mac
Definitely not "Photojournalistic" anything. Again ambiguous. And the shots you present didn't fit any of my pre-conceived notions of what it could have meant.
On the images themselves, I like #1 best, but it doesn't seem sharp, especially in the eyes. Then #3. I think the subject looking at you is how most people will want portraits (maybe 3/4), so the eyes have to sell it.
I agree the text is very hard to read. Definitely too small even accounting for the conversion. Also too 'scripty' (alright, maybe it isn't a word, but I think you know what I mean). But don't complicate the message with too much flourish.
But I do like the direction you are heading.
-Fleetwood Mac