UMass Men's Hoops vs Florida State
Basketball from tuesday night.

For the rest of the gallery visit here:

For the rest of the gallery visit here:
Really nice Karen
All of them (cept the bench shot) have really nice action in them. If you cropped any tighter, you'd lose some interesting parts of the shot. Love the 2 shot series of the dunk.
Looks like you had a good vantage point for all of these shots.
OT: I've gone over to just to see if I can pick up any tips, and either I am really inept (which is entirely possible), or they are hiding the button to "tips and technique". Or, am I mistaken, and do they even have any of this sort of info that can be accessed by us mere mortals?
Thanks for sharing these,
FWIW, you're right. They created this forum cuz we were clogging up the other forums with all these darn sports pics :lol
Alot of what I have been doing it just searching through memebers profiles. Seeing what that do, most memeber put who they work for, so if you see AP I usually assume that photographer knows what they are doing. There are also the contests that show great photos too that I use for ideas and inspiration.
Which is getting tough right now, the winter season is long, men's and women's hoops and ice hockey arent doing as well, I find my photography is suffering because of it. I will need to work around that some how.
But the spring season is starting...yeah to lax!!!!
You've captured some nice action and I like the expression in the
second shot.
You can find some tips in "Educate Yourself" and by looking through some
of the newsletters.