FS: 400/5.6, 85/1.2, 1.4xII, more.

Hi! Remember me? I have been missing from here ever since I got drafted in December 2005. I sold my camera body, the Canon 1DII since I knew it would decrease in value. I loaned the lenses to a friend, nice and safe in my Pelican case. I wanted then to have average use so they would not have issues just sitting in storage.
Well he loves the 35/1.4, 70-200IS and 580EX flash. But he says he hardly ever uses the other stuff. It sits there in the case being ignored. And that's a shame. That is why they are for sale.
Since I am on active duty for another year I have decided to sell the lenses. Before I go to Ebay I will give folks here a shot at it. Now I admit I have not seen the lenses in a while but he assures me they are fine. I will try to get him to take pics and send me links.
I have the boxes, caps, filters, cases, etc, but not all in one place. If the box is not a big deal to you then great. If you just HAVE to have a case, box, cards, etc. and I cannot find it when I go looking in 2 weeks, I hope it is not the end of the world for you. I know I have the lenses. The other stuff is in storage (wife left when I deployed, stuff stored, etc. It was very ugly).
So without any more belly aching, here is what I have and what I would like for them. I bought them after the 1D Mark II came out so that gives you an idea on their age.
ITEM / PRICE / INSURED SHIPPING (combined shipping saves $8.95 per item after 1st)
EF 400/5.6 / $850 / $20 ***SOLD***
EF 85/1.2 first version / $1250 / $22
EF 1.4x II Teleconverter / $200 / $16 ***SOLD***
EF12 extension tube / $45 / $7
Tokina 17/3.5 / $95 / $11 ***SOLD***
Please contact me if you are interested without seeing pictures. I'll post pics as soon as I am able. As for shipping, I will be as fair as I can. I write this sitting in Tajikistan. I'll be in Moscow this weekend and Reno, Nevada on Monday. Lenses are in southern CA.
Any questions? Send me a note to aorobert at gmail dot com.
As for shipping and all... I just hit the USPS site and got rates.
Payments-- USPS money order is awesome, paypal with 3% is okay, personal check with clearance time or member vetting is okay too.
Well he loves the 35/1.4, 70-200IS and 580EX flash. But he says he hardly ever uses the other stuff. It sits there in the case being ignored. And that's a shame. That is why they are for sale.
Since I am on active duty for another year I have decided to sell the lenses. Before I go to Ebay I will give folks here a shot at it. Now I admit I have not seen the lenses in a while but he assures me they are fine. I will try to get him to take pics and send me links.
I have the boxes, caps, filters, cases, etc, but not all in one place. If the box is not a big deal to you then great. If you just HAVE to have a case, box, cards, etc. and I cannot find it when I go looking in 2 weeks, I hope it is not the end of the world for you. I know I have the lenses. The other stuff is in storage (wife left when I deployed, stuff stored, etc. It was very ugly).
So without any more belly aching, here is what I have and what I would like for them. I bought them after the 1D Mark II came out so that gives you an idea on their age.
ITEM / PRICE / INSURED SHIPPING (combined shipping saves $8.95 per item after 1st)
EF 400/5.6 / $850 / $20 ***SOLD***
EF 85/1.2 first version / $1250 / $22
EF 1.4x II Teleconverter / $200 / $16 ***SOLD***
EF12 extension tube / $45 / $7
Tokina 17/3.5 / $95 / $11 ***SOLD***
Please contact me if you are interested without seeing pictures. I'll post pics as soon as I am able. As for shipping, I will be as fair as I can. I write this sitting in Tajikistan. I'll be in Moscow this weekend and Reno, Nevada on Monday. Lenses are in southern CA.
Any questions? Send me a note to aorobert at gmail dot com.
As for shipping and all... I just hit the USPS site and got rates.
Payments-- USPS money order is awesome, paypal with 3% is okay, personal check with clearance time or member vetting is okay too.
I'll take the 1.4X TC. Please reply with payment details.
Oh well -- congrats on a good "snag", Denis!
Supported by: Benro C-298 Flexpod tripod, MC96 monopod, Induro PHQ1 head
Also play with: studio strobes, umbrellas, softboxes, ...and a partridge in a pear tree...
Canon 70-200 f/2.8 IS, 17-40L, 28-135 IS, 35mm 2.0, 50mm 1.8, 85mm 1.8
Sigma 28-80mm
Tamron 17-50mm f/2.8
Canon 430EXII, 580EX, 580EXII, AB800
PM sent
Canon 20D | 17-55/2.8 IS | 28/1.8 | 50/1.8 | 85/1.8 | 24-70/2.8L | 24-105/4L IS | 580EX | 540EZ(x2) | Sigma 12-24/4.5-5.6
Troll?? I have substantial feedback on FM and eBay. Been in surgery all day, will make payment now! You guys don't give new guys a chance, don't you?
Well guys, I've decided against picking it up so please move down the list to the next interested party. Thanks.
"CR" wanted the Tokina and know what? I get up today to find $ sent to me by paypal. Talk about on the ball.
PHOTOBUG: Your shot at the EF1.4x, please post yea or nay and paypal me. If you are not interested it goes back on the block.
If anyone does buy the other items and paypals me like CR did, please post here that paypal is sent. Thanks a heap.
I'm conducting this from a business trip in China, so my replies might be delayed by up to a day due to the time difference. (geez, talk about a global economy -- I'm writing this in China, you're in Tajikistan, Moscow, and Reno, your lenses are in southern CA, and everyone else reading this is spread all over the world...)
I just now PayPal'd you, using the "aorobert" email address in your original posting.
And good luck on your tour of duty -- it must be stressful, not to mention incredibly disruptive of what was your "normal" life before your tour started. Thanks for being there for all of us!!
Supported by: Benro C-298 Flexpod tripod, MC96 monopod, Induro PHQ1 head
Also play with: studio strobes, umbrellas, softboxes, ...and a partridge in a pear tree...
400, 85 and EF12 still available.
EF12 and 85mm left.