what uploader to "pros" recommend?
I keep getting an error message when I try to send more than 12 files to "Send to Smugmug" in Explorer.
What uploader to the "pros" recommend?
What uploader to the "pros" recommend?
I'm very happy with Send To Smugmug ... Not a single problem with very large uploads...
See: http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=26271&highlight=sendtosmugmug
I love Send To Smugmug, too -- when it works. I keep getting an error when I try to send 10+ files. I checked their boards but it seems they're not operating anymore. Maybe I can find a way to get in touch with Omar. It's a great little program.
Weird.. I use Send To Smugmug as well and never had a problem sending 100's or even 1000's at a time.
I wonder if you uninstalled and reinstalled it?
Good luck!
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ahh.. that might explain why I've never gotten an error. I've always selected the folder.
YES!!!!!!! Looks like folder selection will work!
Cool! Glad everything is ok.
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I recommend StarExplorer (http://www.starexplorer.com/). It costs a small amount of money, but it's the best thing I could find for doing large uploads. It even has a persistent queue for everything that you want uploaded and, even if the upload is interupted in the middle, you can resume it sometime later and make sure everything you wanted to upload gets there.
The author hangs out in the Star Explorer thread here at dgrin.
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Gosh, I was wondering as I was reading if anyone would say this!