Is your friend a dgrinner or SmugMugger by any chance? I could swear I have seen that photo before...
Nope. I have no idea where the photo came from--or even if it is real. Just out of curiosity, I just dropped it into Photoshop and it shows clear signs of manipulation, though I can't really tell how much. You may well have seen it somewhere else on the Web. The Onion maybe? It was new to me.
Wonder what their driver license photo looks like:D
I think I better shut now not very pc of me
Fred & smugmug
Slowly now the post again.
Now that's funny (not to mention a tricky exposure,) thanks for sharing.
Charlie & smugmug
Nope. I have no idea where the photo came from--or even if it is real. Just out of curiosity, I just dropped it into Photoshop and it shows clear signs of manipulation, though I can't really tell how much. You may well have seen it somewhere else on the Web. The Onion maybe?
Cheers, & smugmug
thanks for sharing
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