FTP upload problems

Not sure where to post this - please move if needed.....
Have an need to upload to an FTP server in the UK, (vs. mail overnite at great expense) however when I tried from my iMac G5/1.8gb (or any mac - I've tried 2 others since) I get an error message saying 'cannot move file as such and such cannot be modified':dunno
So I went to Kinkos and had no problem whatsoever uploading from their PC's
(also tried a friends PC also no problem).:scratch
Someone sugg. check the 'ownership & permissions' status and iI get the same result from all 3 macs "you can only read"
I tried mac help online and see I can only change permissions on my own files.....makes sense.:deal
What doesn't make sense is why can I upload no problem from any PC but not macs (please no mac vs. PC, who's better feedback)
Any thoughts (I can't really approach the FTP owner as this is an opp. to upload pics for publication- and I can still do it, just not from home)
Not sure where to post this - please move if needed.....
Have an need to upload to an FTP server in the UK, (vs. mail overnite at great expense) however when I tried from my iMac G5/1.8gb (or any mac - I've tried 2 others since) I get an error message saying 'cannot move file as such and such cannot be modified':dunno
So I went to Kinkos and had no problem whatsoever uploading from their PC's
(also tried a friends PC also no problem).:scratch
Someone sugg. check the 'ownership & permissions' status and iI get the same result from all 3 macs "you can only read"
I tried mac help online and see I can only change permissions on my own files.....makes sense.:deal
What doesn't make sense is why can I upload no problem from any PC but not macs (please no mac vs. PC, who's better feedback)
Any thoughts (I can't really approach the FTP owner as this is an opp. to upload pics for publication- and I can still do it, just not from home)
Well after extensive continued research I've learned that iMacs (all macs prob.)
are unable to upload to FTP servers from the Finder (!!??) :cry
Why they have such a convienent easy to use object in the Finder's drop down menu -GO-CONNECT TO SERVER that won't allow upload by design is beyond me...
anyhow thru apple support it turns out there are 3 third party vendors that offer relatively inexpensive options and although I haven't purchased one yet this one looks to be the most features/least ($25) cost (all are under $60) http://fetchsoftworks.com/
The next batch I need to upload I'll try their free 14 day trial then post results here....:D
The batch I uploaded thru a Dell PC / XP Pro machine at school took just under 1 hour to to 67 jpegs @ about 4mb / each
This way if anyone else has the same situation they can find this thru search -