>>> dgrin challenge 33 - emotions <<<

AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
edited March 7, 2005 in The Dgrin Challenges
dgrin challenge 33 is here. it will run from monday, february 21st 2005 at 12:00:01 a.m. nyc time, through monday, march 7th at noon nyc time. the guest judge for the challenge will be the winner of challenge 32, as determined by the voters.

remember, in order for everyone to benefit, you should be commenting and critiquing for others as much as you expect to get for yourself. you've got to give to get!

challenge 33 is about emotions. subject matter and theme is wide open, but your photograph must display obvious emotion to the viewer.



orignally, this was to be a "no-photoshop" challenge. creative use of photoshop is allowed.

this thread, is the one into which you post your challenge entry, and remember, one entry per person, and the photo must be fresh, taken during the challenge period. you must post the date the photograph was taken or it will be deemed ineligible.

all of the rules of the dgrin photo challenges apply, please read them!.

***challenge 33 will close to entries on monday, march 7, 2005 at 12 noon nyc time***

enjoy (challenge) photography,


  • mslammersmslammers Registered Users Posts: 121 Major grins
    edited February 24, 2005
    Calm Winter Scene
    File: Glen Helen in Winter
    File size: 4,751KB
    Camera Model: Canon EOS 20D
    Date/Time: 2005:02:24 13:12:46
    Shutter speed: 1/3200 sec
    Aperture: 5.0
    Exposure mode: Av
    ISO: 800
    Focal length: 18.0mm
    Image size: 3504 x 2336
    Image quality: RAW
    White balance: Auto
    Location: Glen Helen, Yellow Springs, OHIO
  • Michael AllenMichael Allen Registered Users Posts: 196 Major grins
    edited February 25, 2005
    Content - Michael Allen
    Click photo for exif

    taken 2-21, slight crop and resized for challenge
  • KaganKagan Registered Users Posts: 196 Major grins
    edited February 25, 2005
    Sad Little Fellow
    Taken with Fuji S7000 February 24, 2005
  • yvonneyvonne Registered Users Posts: 193 Major grins
    edited February 28, 2005
    A bit overawed
    Don't know how to copy the EXIF over from DPP...

    so shot 27/02/05, 13:36, EOS 20D, ISO 400, 1/400 F2.2 50mm
  • Trish323Trish323 Registered Users Posts: 908 Major grins
    edited March 1, 2005
    "Tolerant Tot"

    February 27,2005 TOLERANT TOT By Trish323
  • thegreeneggthegreenegg Registered Users Posts: 551 Major grins
    edited March 1, 2005
    Taken February 25th.
    Green is the way to be!
  • DJ-S1DJ-S1 Registered Users Posts: 2,303 Major grins
    edited March 1, 2005

    3-1-2005 300D f6.3 1/1000
  • Yuri PautovYuri Pautov Registered Users Posts: 1,918 Major grins
    edited March 2, 2005
    When Stalin was...
    Taken 01 March 2005. Sony DSC F707.


    Protest meeting of communists...
    Many, many old people here in Russia are sure, that only Stalin could keep our great country in order. Meaning 'democracy' was discredited by new wave politicians... One could find a lot of emotions at the meeting: anger, malicious joy, nostalgia... but all these emotions had a general foundation - total assurance in their rectitude...
    Look at this man - he worked hard all his life... And what does he have? Pension about 30-40$? Why those old people from Germany, Japan, US start to live after retirement - they visit other coutries, even have enough money to help others - that's what he says... There was an order here - when Stalin was...
    Sorry for such a long story and for my English...
  • joechiujoechiu Registered Users Posts: 60 Big grins
    edited March 2, 2005
    OH MY GOSH, WE WON!!!! (We lost...)

    Just shot this over the weekend. After a 0-0 game and 0-0 overtime, the girls went into a shootout. The girls were tense and holding each others hands, and then the blue team made its winning shot...

    Cropped from the original file, sharpening applied to winning team, resized to 800 pixels, and edge sharpening applied to winning team.

    Taken 2/27/2005 4:20 PM.

    Nikon D70 with 80-200mm/2.8D-AFS (rented at $30 for the weekend), at 155mm. Aperture priority, center weighted, 1/1000 F/4.5, ISO 200. Manual focus, auto whitebalance.
    8-bit JPEG.
  • ShakeyShakey Registered Users Posts: 1,004 Major grins
    edited March 3, 2005
    Title: Happy Face

    Taken March 2/05
    Aperture: f/3.5 ISO: 100 Focal Length: 50mm (guess: 90mm in 35mm) Exposure Time: 0.0005s (1/2000)

  • adrian_kadrian_k Registered Users Posts: 557 Major grins
    edited March 3, 2005
    here's grumpy

    Camera: Sony DSC-W12
    Date:1st March
    1/80sec f3.2 ISO100 Exp Bias -0.3 (Focal length 44.2mm)
    my stuff is here.....
  • NirNir Registered Users Posts: 1,400 Major grins
    edited March 3, 2005
    Focus & Intent
    Focus & Intent


    March 2, 2005

    Nir Alon

    images of my thoughts
  • DRebelGirlDRebelGirl Registered Users Posts: 52 Big grins
    edited March 3, 2005
    Peeka Boo!!
    1st submission...taken with my Canon Digital Rebel on Feb. 27th.
    Shoot first...ask questions later! :thumb
  • MongrelMongrel Registered Users Posts: 622 Major grins
    edited March 3, 2005
    Bad Call...?
    Taken on March 2, 2005

    If every keystroke was a shutter press I'd be a pro by now...
  • canonguycanonguy Registered Users Posts: 145 Major grins
    edited March 3, 2005
    Can you feel it in your soul...

    Concert in a small venue for a fund raiser. He had the crowd jammin' to some good ol' reggae. I had a hard time not moving to the beat myself so I could get this shot. Good luck to all. All the pics look great.

    Camera Model Name - Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL
    Shooting Date/Time - 2/27/2005 2:11:54 AM (yes that 2 in the morning)
    Shooting Mode - Manual
    Tv( Shutter Speed ) - 1/80
    Av( Aperture Value ) - 5.6
    Metering Mode - Center-weighted averaging
    ISO Speed - 400
    Lens (my Favorite) 28.0 - 135.0 mm
    Focal Length - 109.0 mm
    Image Size - 3072x2048
    Image Quality - RAW
    Flash - On
    Flash Type - External E-TTL
  • gregneilgregneil Registered Users Posts: 255 Major grins
    edited March 4, 2005
    night water
    title - Night Water
    emotion - contemplative
    click for EXIF
    taken 3/2/05

    There's a thin line between genius and stupid.
  • lynnmalynnma Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 5,208 Major grins
    edited March 4, 2005

  • SeamusSeamus Registered Users Posts: 1,573 Major grins
    edited March 5, 2005


    Taken 5th March 2005. Exif:

    2005-03-05 11:42:31Date Digitized:2005-03-05 11:42:31Date Modified:2005-03-05 16:14:26Make:CanonModel: Canon EOS 20D Size: 1043x834 Bytes: 468138 Aperture: f/7.1 ISO: 400 Focal Length: 70mm (guess: 182mm in 35mm) Exposure Time: 0.002s (1/500)Flash:Flash did not fire, compulsory flash modeExposure Program:Shutter priorityExposure Bias:0ColorSpace:sRGB
  • Lucky HackLucky Hack Registered Users Posts: 594 Major grins
    edited March 5, 2005
    Nikon D70
    2005/03/05 13:38:01.7
    Compressed Raw (12 bit)
    Image Size: Large (3008 x 2000)
    Lens: VR 70-200mm F2.8 G
    Focal Length: 200mm
    Exposure Mode: Aperture Priority
    Metering Mode: Multi-Pattern
    1/500 sec - F/4
    Exposure Comp.: 0EV
    Sensitivity:ISO 400
    Optimize Image: Normal
    White Balance:Auto
    AF Mode: AF-S
    Flash Sync Mode: Not Attatched
    Color Mode: Mode Ia (sRGB)
    Tone Comp.: Auto
    Hue Adjustment: 0
    Saturation: Normal
    Sharpening: Auto
    Image Comment:

    Chance favors the prepared mind. -Louis Pasteur
  • spocklingspockling Registered Users Posts: 369 Major grins
    edited March 5, 2005
    Pretty in Pink
    Taken 02/23/05
  • lenscapelenscape Registered Users Posts: 101 Major grins
    edited March 6, 2005
    Be in Love with

    112mm Optimize Image: Custom Color Mode: Mode Ia (sRGB) Noise Reduction: OFF 2005/03/05 15:10:21.9 Exposure Mode: Aperture Priority White Balance: Auto -2 Tone Comp: User-Defined Custom Curve RAW (12-bit) Lossless Metering Mode: Multi-Pattern AF Mode: AF-S Hue Adjustment: 0° Image Size: Large (3008 x 2000) 1/5 sec - F/32 Flash Sync Mode: Not Attached Saturation: Normal Exposure Comp.: 0 EV Sharpening: Low Lens: 70-200mm F/2.8 D Sensitivity: ISO 200 Image www.lenscapephotography.com

    'you don't take a photograph, you make it.' - Ansel Adams

  • KhaosKhaos Registered Users Posts: 2,435 Major grins
    edited March 6, 2005
    Taken 02-28-2005

  • davevdavev Registered Users Posts: 3,118 Major grins
    edited March 6, 2005
    Evoking Emotions
    Title: Evoking Emotions

    Camera: D Rebel
    Lens: Canon 28-135is
    Date: 03/05/05
    Shutter: 1/5
    Aperture: F5.6
    ISO: 400
    hand held.


    Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
  • jwearjwear Registered Users Posts: 8,014 Major grins
    edited March 6, 2005
    challenge 33
    3/05 2005 Youthful Boredom
    Jeff W


  • 4labs4labs Registered Users Posts: 2,089 Major grins
    edited March 6, 2005
    She still laughs
    Taken 2/21

  • mgoundmgound Registered Users Posts: 108 Major grins
    edited March 6, 2005
    Challenge 33 mgound

    First Goal of the season. 3/5/05

    Land on your right foot. Don't forget it!
  • MarkjayMarkjay Registered Users Posts: 860 Major grins
    edited March 6, 2005
    Tired Puppy
    This 8 week old Miniature Dachsund, named Jeffrey is seen expressing just how tired he is from our "play session", seen sleeping on my bed pillow.

    EXIF INFO...
    Date Taken:2005-03-05 03:55:57 Model: Canon EOS 20D Aperture: f/2.8 ISO: 400 Focal Length: 90mm (guess: 525mm in 35mm) Exposure Time: 0.0166s (1/60)Flash:Flash fired, compulsory flash modeExposure Program:Normal programExposure Bias:0.66666666666667White Balance:manual Lens used: Tamron SP90

    Canon AE1 - it was my first "real camera"
    Canon 20D - no more film!
  • BryanBryan Registered Users Posts: 153 Major grins
    edited March 6, 2005
    Dakota's 1st

    Taken 3/6/5
  • DawnLandDawnLand Registered Users Posts: 75 Big grins
    edited March 6, 2005
    Candy Apple Dream
    Taken of daughter Tia who got this candy apple red Miata for her 16th birthday. She loved it so much she hugged it as seen in photo! Photo taken this Saturday night March 5 with Olympus E1 hand held digital. No special lighting or photoshop.16962531-L.jpg
  • ginger_55ginger_55 Registered Users Posts: 8,416 Major grins
    edited March 6, 2005
    Joe: Noooooooo!
    Joe: You Need A Release
    Me: I'll bring one by your work
    Joe: Call my agent

    Photography by ginger
    Sullivan's Island, SC
    After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
This discussion has been closed.