Pictures from Texana Raceway Park
Looking for some C/C on these pictures. I have no formal training but am always looking to improve my work. No thin skin here and I'm sure I broke all the rules of photography.

7DII w/Grip, 50D w/Grip, 24-70/2.8L, 70-200/2.8L, 85/1.8, 50/1.8, Rokinon 8mm FE 3.2, 580EXII 430EX
7DII w/Grip, 50D w/Grip, 24-70/2.8L, 70-200/2.8L, 85/1.8, 50/1.8, Rokinon 8mm FE 3.2, 580EXII 430EX
cool pix...neat backgrounds...distracting watermark tho
That watermark might be a touch distracting but I wouldn't mess with it too much. I learned the hard way if you don't watermark these things people (i.e. racers) will lift the images from your website.
A former sports shooter
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7DII w/Grip, 50D w/Grip, 24-70/2.8L, 70-200/2.8L, 85/1.8, 50/1.8, Rokinon 8mm FE 3.2, 580EXII 430EX
be stuck with so real dark shots.
Also there isn't many people who post in threads about oval dirt track racing, but don't be discouraged. Your wheel spin looks great, and the cars are crisp.
Excellent profile shots of modifieds. As good as any I've seen from the photographer's here in Indiana where modified racing is a big deal.
I agree though with James that the pics can get boring if you don't try for something unique. I realize you have to give the drivers what they want but from a photographer's standpoint that unique view is exciting and rewarding.
Last year I took hundreds of shots from just outside the first turn at Bunker Hill Speedway here in north central Indiana. Just so happened that the first turn has a track vehicle access point and there were no fences in the way so, as a spectator, I got as close as legal and just kept snapping all year. Unfortunately all I had was a 3 megapixel Fuji and the pics are not great but you can see how a perspective like that changes the way modified racing is viewed.
Keep up the good work and know that there are a few more people on here who are interested in dirt track racing than you might think. They might just lurk and not post.
A guy I used to shoot MX with some time ago (and why have I let the day job interfere with this???) told me he spends the first part of the day getting the shots that sells. When he has enough of those he gets the shots he wants to see. They seldom sell, but it keeps him happy and from becoming too bored.
A former sports shooter
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First of all, thanks for the replies. You are right artistic photos and what the customer wants photos are hard to find that "Happy medium". The racer's wants and needs, to me, are way more important than anything else. Yes it's important to supply a good picture but good to photographers and good to racers are totally different as I am finding out.
I just want to reinterate that fact that I don't have any training in photography or business but I am so wanted to learn as much about both as possible.
If it ever stops rainning here and the can race again, I will gladdly post. Thanks again.
7DII w/Grip, 50D w/Grip, 24-70/2.8L, 70-200/2.8L, 85/1.8, 50/1.8, Rokinon 8mm FE 3.2, 580EXII 430EX
Good luck.