Help me choose a better logo font!
I'm not a professional nor is this a professional site, but I want to have a clean and striking website as I often get invitations to shoot other people by being impressed with my (admittedly meager to date) collection of work.
The logo I've been using just isn't doing it for me- especially because it is a common logo already on my computer. I went and searched for various creative fonts that would make a suitable replacement, and have narrowed it down to 16.
You can view the 16 (as well as compare to my current logo) here:
Input as to which ones catch your eye the best are appreciated.
For the record, my favorites (I like them all) in no particular order are: 1, 6, 7, 8, 14, 15. These logos were quickly made drafts and therefore alignment may be off.
The logo I've been using just isn't doing it for me- especially because it is a common logo already on my computer. I went and searched for various creative fonts that would make a suitable replacement, and have narrowed it down to 16.
You can view the 16 (as well as compare to my current logo) here:
Input as to which ones catch your eye the best are appreciated.
For the record, my favorites (I like them all) in no particular order are: 1, 6, 7, 8, 14, 15. These logos were quickly made drafts and therefore alignment may be off.
Once you get that, then you can decide what type of type will serve you best:
seriph/sans seriph
old style/modern
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I want people to get that I'm basically an easy-going, fun-loving sort of family guy that can also create timeless memories when called upon, which explains the eccletic entries. If none of them or all of them in particular fit the bill for you, I may just roll a dice on my favorites. However, I'm not a wizard at design so if one or two in particular have above-average design elements capable of sending a strong message, I will yield to advice.
Joe Consumer
6. Informal, yet legible (I find a lot of your choices hard to read)
7. too much, IMO, and a touch hard to read
8. meets all of your criteria, yet seems a bit limiting to me, as far as how it could work in a design.
14. Has nothing to do with your stated goals, IMO.
15. I like this one, I think the most. It's clean and simple, has a touch of flair to it, but is not trying so hard to hit us over the head.
As a note: I would always use upper/lower or large cap/small caps. Seeing MCCARTHY as opposed to McCarthy is a big difference, even if you only distinguish it by making the caps larger and smaller (if you want all caps).
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Thanks for your help, guys. I'll leave the link above valid for anyone else who wants to look for ideas.
See how it ties in to your website design or on a business card, often times that can make you rethink how you format it. So instead of picking one now and then possibly changing after doing a card, etc start with some intended uses and see what fits well.
I also think you will find a lot of different, out of the box, ideas on the business card thread that could inspire you to create something a little more creative.
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