I need Dev's help...again :(

you provided this code to add the return to index of thumbs w/o having to back out...
I am trying to implement it into this site... www.onbroadwaydancers.com
here's a single image page
It was working, but now it isn't... I was working on the nav bar... I've re-added the JS and footer code, but no go... I'd appreciate it if you could take a look...
/*========================================*/ /*== Return to Thumb (Single Image Page)==*/ /*========================================*/ function fixPhotoNav() { oPhotoNav = YD.getElementsByClassName("photoNav", "div"); for (i=0; i < oPhotoNav.length; i++) { re = /gallery\/([\d]+)\//; oTitle = YD.getElementsByClassName("title", "span", oPhotoNav[i]); if (re.test(window.location)) oTitle[0].innerHTML = "| " + oTitle[0].innerHTML + " |"; re.exec(window.location); oPhotoNav[i].innerHTML = oPhotoNav[i].innerHTML + "<span ><a href=\"/gallery/" + RegExp.$1 + "\">Return to Index</a></span>"; } }
I am trying to implement it into this site... www.onbroadwaydancers.com
here's a single image page
It was working, but now it isn't... I was working on the nav bar... I've re-added the JS and footer code, but no go... I'd appreciate it if you could take a look...
glad you got it working
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