Moving Galleries
Is there an easy way to move an existing sub category full of galleries to another gallery without having to go in each gallery seperately? Here's what I am trying to do: I have about 10 sub cat galleries with 40-150 galleries and sub galleries within (horse shows) I want to create a new sub sort gallery on the homepage and call it "Horse Shows" and put them all in there but keep them seperate like they are now. Am I dreaming or is this possible? Thanks!
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This program look like it could be the ticket but once I have it how do i use it? I clicked the link and saved it and then it opened in winzip and i saw all the files but now what? Sorry for being a little cluless
New Vision Photography & Design
Find this on page.
Download it here. Once installed, run from Tools->SmugBrowser
It opens a page with install button. Click it and it should install, close Firefox
and after restarting look under "tools" menu at the top for SmugBrowser.
I think this is the latest version.
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