Anyone have a Tamrac 759 type pack for sale? or similar? being a hiker I have packs.. but they are too soft.. having "spent the rent" I'm on a budget.
which one do you have jd... and I'll look it up.. I was hoping to buy a used one on the cheap as I have soooo many packs.....non that work...
What's it for? Do you need to carry your laptop in it? Is it just for hiking?
I have two.
The big one Andy conned me into buying, the Crumpler Farmer's Double. Very nice, I like it a lot. I have one complaint: there's not organizer type area, you know, where you can store pens and stuff. But it's roomy, well designed, and at $140ish, pretty reasonable for what you get. The Crumpler Website is annoyingly cute and funny. Really is funny, but also could be easier to use.
The other pack I have is the LowePro Micro Trekker 100, which holds the 20D, 17-40f4L, 70-200f4L and 420EX, along with more. Nice, compact bag that does the trick.
Anyone have a Tamrac 759 type pack for sale? or similar? being a hiker I have packs.. but they are too soft.. having "spent the rent" I'm on a budget.
I have a Lowpro Rover AW II. The lower half has velcrowed foam dividers so you can set up the compartments any way you need. The top half is one larger compartment without any foam. You would use this for jackets, hats etc. The waist belt is wide and substaintial. Hook water bottles on. Also has two elastic nets on the side for small things. Alas it ain't cheap.
How about for the imediate need, untill you have more rent money to spend, get some high density foam and build a camera / gear section in the bottom of an existing backpack?
I have the Lowepro Mini Trekker. It holds camera with lens attached, plus 3 additional lenses plus flash plus all the little stuff you carry with like extra memory. There is a nice zip-open compartment on the outside for a little lunch or a paperback book. One fine feature is the ability to strap the tripod on the outside with a well engineered set of pockets and straps.
I opted for more room than I needed now rather that the right amount now and the need to upsize later.
Good luck in your search. One word of advice: Take some stuff with you to the store that weighs as much as your gear. Load the pack up, strap it on and walk around the store for 15-20 minutes to assure that it "rides right" for you.
Thanks everyone for responses. I do have a camera bag but it's a shoulder bag and I hate it.. I'm used to backpacking and actually have a lowe alpine pack that fits me.. I may for now take Sams advice and build compartments inside it.. I just wish I had something that I could unzip from the front and see all the compartments like the Tamrac..this pack opens from the top and you end up dragging everything out to get to the remote switch lost in the bottom. Weight is not an issue as I'm used to carrying 40lbs+ (until I broke my ankle). I don't have a laptop at present but when dear husband and I run away to sea (seriously) I will need space for one.. I have my drebel with sigma 24-70 (quite big) 50mm canon my 70-200mm new Canon my canon speedlite and a tripod.. so I don't have much but it's too much for the shoulder bag..and I like to have hands free...I'm not planning on buying any more glass any time soon.. (going to sea). Mosondoggie? do you think your size pack would be big enough for me??
I have a Lowpro Rover AW II. The lower half has velcrowed foam dividers so you can set up the compartments any way you need. The top half is one larger compartment without any foam. You would use this for jackets, hats etc. The waist belt is wide and substaintial. Hook water bottles on. Also has two elastic nets on the side for small things. Alas it ain't cheap.
How about for the imediate need, untill you have more rent money to spend, get some high density foam and build a camera / gear section in the bottom of an existing backpack?
ooooooooo.. I went and looked at the Lowpro Rover ... dam.. wish I had'nt looks wonderful..god .. does this camera/lens/pack envy never end???? sigh.. I'll have to sell more stuff on ebay (now where are his clubs)...
looking at the Lowpro min trekker again it just does'nt look big enough...
change that.. I just went to Lowepro and looked.. it's big enough...I'm kinda narrow in the shoulders.. is it built for a man's frame? my lowe pack is built for a woman.. some can be annoyingly wide..
Are you interested in selling in JD? pm me if you are.
I'm also thinking that as I do a lot of canoeing and dh and I are running away to sea I may nee one of these
Try the TEK series by Tamrac
My wife bought me one for my Sony 828 and it's a nice small Backpack.
Don't remember the item # from the cardboard tag tho I tossed it!
No tag on the inside of the bag that I see. It's DK Blue with Black.
I found one at Circuit City for like $35-$40.
She paid $50 for mine from Ritz camera.
You're never going to find the perfect bag - I haven't and I've gone through many. It's either to small or too big, always too heavy, you don't want to leave it in the car but it's too cumbersome to carry into Starbucks... just when you're sure you found the right one you discover there's no room for the new 'toy' you just got.
I suggest a different angle - CMOS implant, then you don't need to carry anything, it becomes a part of you
I'm currently carrying a LowePro CompuTrekker AW with laptop and camera gear - lots of space, well organized - but big and heavy!!! :cry Also have a Lowe Orion Trekker - more convinient but limited space for gear. When I need to tavel light - camera on strap, extra battery, memory and lens-cloth in a pocket. No bag at all.
What's it for? Do you need to carry your laptop in it? Is it just for hiking?
I have two.
The big one Andy conned me into buying, the Crumpler Farmer's Double. Very nice, I like it a lot. I have one complaint: there's not organizer type area, you know, where you can store pens and stuff. But it's roomy, well designed, and at $140ish, pretty reasonable for what you get. The Crumpler Website is annoyingly cute and funny. Really is funny, but also could be easier to use.
The other pack I have is the LowePro Micro Trekker 100, which holds the 20D, 17-40f4L, 70-200f4L and 420EX, along with more. Nice, compact bag that does the trick.
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I have a Lowpro Rover AW II. The lower half has velcrowed foam dividers so you can set up the compartments any way you need. The top half is one larger compartment without any foam. You would use this for jackets, hats etc. The waist belt is wide and substaintial. Hook water bottles on. Also has two elastic nets on the side for small things. Alas it ain't cheap.
How about for the imediate need, untill you have more rent money to spend, get some high density foam and build a camera / gear section in the bottom of an existing backpack?
looking at the Lowpro min trekker again it just does'nt look big enough...
Are you interested in selling in JD? pm me if you are.
I'm also thinking that as I do a lot of canoeing and dh and I are running away to sea I may nee one of these
I have a Lowepro Stealth AW II, click here I am not using if this is what you might be looking for.
My wife bought me one for my Sony 828 and it's a nice small Backpack.
Don't remember the item # from the cardboard tag tho I tossed it!
No tag on the inside of the bag that I see. It's DK Blue with Black.
I found one at Circuit City for like $35-$40.
She paid $50 for mine from Ritz camera.
Maybe this helps?
Manfrotto Mono | Bag- LowePro Slingshot 100AW
You're never going to find the perfect bag - I haven't and I've gone through many. It's either to small or too big, always too heavy, you don't want to leave it in the car but it's too cumbersome to carry into Starbucks... just when you're sure you found the right one you discover there's no room for the new 'toy' you just got.
I suggest a different angle - CMOS implant, then you don't need to carry anything, it becomes a part of you
I'm currently carrying a LowePro CompuTrekker AW with laptop and camera gear - lots of space, well organized - but big and heavy!!! :cry Also have a Lowe Orion Trekker - more convinient but limited space for gear. When I need to tavel light - camera on strap, extra battery, memory and lens-cloth in a pocket. No bag at all.
Good luck!! Really!
Nir Alon
images of my thoughts