Too literal? Simplistic? No Story?!?...
Taking the easy way out?
Perhaps some feet with the grass sticking up through the toes?
Perhaps some feet with the grass sticking up through the toes?

I remember your winning shot a couple rounds ago, Thomas, and this isn't in the same ballpark, IMO. Your followup idea has potential, maybe with red toe nails
Good luck!
Celebrating the essence of Nature, the Human Spirit, and the Divine Presence in all or:
Thanks Dane,
I'd thought of the red toe nails too! I've got several other ideas for this round...not sure I'll develop this one any further.
I like close ups a lot, but I think it would be a more sense of close up if you would have something in the distance above, blurred or not. As right now, it looks more like for Nature patterns and the eye doesn't really know where to go.
BTW, I am a fan of your photos.
I just looked at your gallery. Wow, fantastic!
I definitely agree with Dane.
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I think that's quite a nice a shot of grass and a good choice of crop. Your question of whether it's too simple is a similar dilemma I have been wrestling with as well. Surf or Turf both seem like pretty simple subjects. I think a big challenge of this round will be staying on theme without being too simple. Your idea about grass sticking up through someone's toes is the best idea I've seen anyone mention thus far this round, IMHO. / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
IMO, just a little too plain, needs some kick...(no offense)
Paint your toes and reshoot!!!!
This summer's wilderness photography project: