Help setting custom pricing
For some very odd reason I cannot get my custom prices to apply to my new gallery I created. If it helps here's a link to the gallery.
I go to the "custom pro pricing" buttom from the drop down, and then I click on portfolio because it says it applies to all galleries. After this I hit apply and then save in which is spits me back out to the gallery. I hit buy this photo and go to checkout yet when I go to choose the size I want the pricing is the default prices of just the cost of the print itself and not what I have set up. :dunno
Please help, I'd love to be able to fix this ASAP as someone is waiting on me to buy these photos. Thanks guys. :bow
EDIT: I don't think the "apply" button works under the settings for setting your prices. Because I try different things like smugmug's default prices and then try to hit apply and nothing happens...What do I do??
I go to the "custom pro pricing" buttom from the drop down, and then I click on portfolio because it says it applies to all galleries. After this I hit apply and then save in which is spits me back out to the gallery. I hit buy this photo and go to checkout yet when I go to choose the size I want the pricing is the default prices of just the cost of the print itself and not what I have set up. :dunno
Please help, I'd love to be able to fix this ASAP as someone is waiting on me to buy these photos. Thanks guys. :bow
EDIT: I don't think the "apply" button works under the settings for setting your prices. Because I try different things like smugmug's default prices and then try to hit apply and nothing happens...What do I do??
log out and check it... if you're logged in you get pics at cost...
I go to my and into custom pro pricing. Choose smugmug default and apply it to common prints. Hit apply and then save and NOTHING it still is set at my common pricing scheme. Some help would be greatly appreciated.
the gallery -->
Go into the galley under "Custom Pro Pricing" and pick gallery at the top. In
"quick input" pick "increase", add in .01 for all products and "apply" and
"save". They will now be sold for a one cent profit which will let you track
what is sold and if delay is on you can check their crop and replace the
photo if necessary.
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Alrighty. I got that part. But why does'nt it show any profit? if I do a 10% increase on all photos?
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