Kestrel Falcon
I was out shooting Terns on the wing, to test the 100% crop of the D2Xs with the Sigma 50-500...... then this chap dropped in to have a rest, I have seen him a few times in the same area, so I will now try to get some better shots as he is a tad shy....... the Tern pixs are average, but did not spend a lot of time shooting, as I wanted a cup of tea. I need more practice, oh and hand held......

and the Tern......

and the Tern......

Nikon D700 x2/D300
Nikon 70-200 2.8/50 1.8/85 1.8/14.24 2.8
I have just checked and the photos appear on my screen, I will recheck on my lappy....... thanks
Lake Macquarie NSW Australia
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you were right...... I have reloaded the images and a pix of the Tern
Lake Macquarie NSW Australia
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"Natura artis magistra"