LPS #10 - Thoughts please!

Okay, so here's the best of what I've so far. I'm really leaning toward the first one. Please give me honest opinions!
Surfing in the Turf (or Googling in the Grass)

Summertime Fishing Hole

Summertime Fishing Hole (color)


Lawn Inspection

Hi Shadow!

Surfing in the Turf (or Googling in the Grass)

Summertime Fishing Hole

Summertime Fishing Hole (color)


Lawn Inspection

Hi Shadow!

Psalm 62:5-6
Interested in hearing cc
This summer's wilderness photography project: www.tessa-hd.smugmug.com/gallery/3172341
I used a little tool I like to call a "shovel".
Thanks! Was actually just working on that contrast!
I think 1 is a very clever combining of the themes. As long as the judges agree that websurfing is under the umbrella of Surf, I think it's a home run. I think the word surfin' in the title is important because when I see someone using a computer, I don't automatically conclude they are web browsing - I conclude "they are using a laptop" which could be any number of things...
I would think 4 is definately within the theme, but something about the worm doesn't like right to me... it looks like it is actually in front of the dirt rather than in the dirt. If that is the case, would some photoshopping work help? I would think the title could also help with the linking of the picture to the theme, since the subject seems to be both the worm and the turf... like Topsoil Tunneler...? That's probably a bad example, heh.
5 is funny once I read the title, but I don't think it would be easily understood without reading the title.
Sorry if my ramblings are starting to give you any doubts about your pictures. As one could possibly conclude from what I've written, I tend to overanalyze things sometimes. The quality of the images themselves is very nice... I especially love the 1st and 5th. And I think you've got a number of good ideas for this round.
On the first one, which is TIC on the theme, I'd consider reshooting.. Have her lean back on the tree and slouch just a bit more, feet crossed, you get low and a bit further back, shoot with her on the far left with with the tree sill in the frame. Then you can crop it to 10:4 or wider with her on the left instead of so centered. It might have the effect of looking like she's on a wave moving into the grass....
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and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
I'm impressed Emily! I need some of your creativity!!!!
This summer's wilderness photography project: www.tessa-hd.smugmug.com/gallery/3172341
Your lighting si to die for!
I really like #2 and #4. For #2, I would crop out more of the water at the bottom of the photo, adding more concentration on the turf theme. #4 is really clever. My nieces would have loved to help out with that one seeing that they are striving to be master worm collectors.
For #1, I didn't make the stretch to surfing the web. Once Pat pointed it out, it made sense but I had to make too many logical jumps to get there because I was focused more on the turf side of it and the young girl reminded me of my niece who doesn't surf the web as much as she uses the PC to play video games. There has been a lot of chatter on the board about slapping the judges in the face with the message as well as the danger of trying to combine themes. Of course, it may just be me and everyone else gets it right away, which in that case, it definitely works but I would consider bumping up the saturation of the grass to really bring out the turf aspect. Then again, I don't really know all that much so this probably just a bunch of senselss rambling aimed at confusing you to no end.
A shovel? Hmmmmmmm, I heard abot those in stories that my grandfather used tell about a time in history before they paved over everything.....
My Images | My Lessons Learned and Other Adventures
but in Composition Creativity, I would have to go with the Night Inspector....
I really like the girl fishing in b/w...but I would bring the crop in a bit, and add some contrast to bring up the grayscale levels to show the different variances in grays..
NICE JOB on these
Surfing in the Turf: cute and funny and I like the picture but I would't get it without the title. Also, it's an idea that doesn't really stand on its own without the contest theme.
Summertime Fishing Hole: I'd push the greens a bit darker in your B&W conversion so the skin tones, fishing pole, and fishing line stand out a bit more. Also, it might be worth cutting down that one tall stalk of grass. All that said, I am not sure this shot tells a strong enough theme related story.
Nightcrawler: I like it, espcially with the light from below. My first thought when I saw it was that it needs a nose sticking up from the bottom of the frame but maybe that is just my twisted sense of humor.
Lawn Inspection: To me, the title feels a bit glued on to this image rather than fitting like a glove; to really tell the story with the image she needs a magnifying glass.
Hi Shadow: You seem to have no shortage of beautiful morning (evening?) light; it's always shady where I live when the sun gets that low. Its a nice capture, but I don't think the story is strong enough in this shot to carry it in the competition.