Something has to give

I am going to sit this LPS round out, I've decided. I have overextended my self and the thought of one more thing on my plate is making me crazy. I wish everyone the best of luck and will be anxiously reading the threads between my piles and piles of work! See you in the semi finals! :wink
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Sorry to hear real life is getting in the way. I'm having problems with that as well. I might be joining you in passing on this round. Last weekend was consumed by a friend's wedding that involved a 16 hour round road trip, and we will be flying to San Francisco on vacation for the last days of this round and about 5 days of the semifinal round.
I know going on vacation is hardly an excuse that will get me much sympathy, heh. We are planning on going down the Pacific Coast Highway as soon as we get there. I'm hoping I'll get a good surf shot that I can squeak in at the last minute. Hey, Indie, sounds like you should follow my lead and take a vacation as well. Just time yours better and make sure it's not during the semifinal round. LPS comes first of course!
Just for the heck of it, I entered it for theme "Stately" because tickled my funny bone. Mind you, it didn't place, but then I didn't expect it to. However, I can now say I have entered both a turkey and a lemon (round 3) in the competion. How's that for bragging rigths?
Go ahead, skip the round. But keep your camera with you and the themes in the back of your head...
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and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..