Please help me decide - reworked shots

Okay, so I've taken what seems to be the majority favorites and reworked them per suggestions. Please help me decide which to enter. Thanks a million!
Surfin in the Turf

Summertime Fishing Hole


Nightcrawler (Original shoot)
Surfin in the Turf

Summertime Fishing Hole


Nightcrawler (Original shoot)

Psalm 62:5-6
Which of these is the strongest contender? 27 votes
Surfin in the Turf
4 votes
Summertime Fishing Hole
6 votes
5 votes
Nightcrawler (Original shot)
10 votes
Try something else
2 votes
I like your ideas a lot, especially ##1 and 3. Given that children as subjects have done remarkably well in the LPS challenges so far and worms have no track record, I'd go with your daughter surfing the net on the turf. I can't tell for sure, but it looks as though her face is a bit soft.
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.8, 24-70 2.8L, 35mm 1.4L, 135mm f2L
ST-E2 Transmitter + (3) 580 EXII + radio poppers
I actually like your new Night Inspector...the detail on the grass and crawler is fantastic...You can see more texture here, I would just tone down a teensy weensy bit the hightlights on the worm...You can actually see more of the worm now cuz it is not melding into the red clay and it is not overpowering either can actually see the dirt is can see the worm going into the earth from above, the roots of the trees, and the levels of dirt......I wish there was just a bit more depth on top.
But that is just my opinion...
Good luck in whichever you choose...Great Job on these..
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I like your title idea, Donna. Think I'll use it...thanks!
Just wanted to let you know that my son just saw your shots...and this is a direct quote...about the NEW worm picture
My thoughts...whoever thought that a "worm" could be "F#$#@ Hot....lmao
He loved it in other words...lmao
That's too funny! I am actually torn about which shot to enter. I kind of like himher peeking over the edge as it works with the title, but I like the clarity and detail in the second. I will try yet ANOTHER shoot (if the worms are up to it) and attempt the lighting/angle of the first with one emerging and maybe one peeking over the edge too. I make it sound like they're willing participants, but believe me, the p.o.'d dressed-up cat was easier to work with!
I feel ya...Now wouldn't that be a shot.... a "DRESSED UP WORM"...rotflmao...Yeah, I'm loosing it.
Think I'll go out tonight and get some "storm" pictures if it keeps up...Rain Excites me..ha ha ha ha.
The worms make me feen for some gummy worms.
First, let me spin a yarn...
When a car gave out once again about seven p.m. at a place where it would be stripped by midnight, helpful individuals nearby loaned me a cell phone, I made a call, and got pulled back to security.
It made me realize I've been trusting luck a little too much.
When the granddaughter came to town, she brought with her a cell phone for emergency use.
Here's the amazing part; at 10 years of age, she knew how to press all the buttons on that cell phone. Of course, she pressed them faster than I could remember them, but that was my introduction...
As I look at your Surf and Turf, I see a wireless laptop that could be almost anywhere on the planet. Of course, it had to be within range of a wireless transmitter.
Nevertheless, I also see a young kid, hands in motion, changing the way our society thinks. Indeed, she's surfing, and with the new Internet, what might she find out in the future as new ideas lead her to ... ?
I also felt, "Emily has a real talent; she poses this child as beginning an unbelievable new technology path and learning curve on some of Georgia's marvelous green grass!"
Having said all that, she's not in the turf. Rather, she's on the turf. I guess my English quibble makes me wonder if a little more emotive thought from Emily concerning her title might not create just the right title?
I just took a shot in my title at imposing my theme without direct reference to the theme's statement, as Shay said in another evocative post...
[FONT="]As You Think, So Shall You BE... Rumi, 13th Century Persian Poet
Award-Winning Photography, Workshop Instructor, Storyteller, Writer
[/FONT][FONT="]Blog: [/FONT][FONT="]Pathways of Light[/FONT]
[FONT="] Workshops: Creating Fine Art Magic[/FONT][FONT="]
Book: Paths of Light [/FONT]
[FONT="]Workshops: 2011 Lightroom 3 Workshops
[/FONT][FONT="]Galleries, Bisti Art
Ah, well, my alternate title was "Googling on the Grass", and I do believe this image could be taken further, but most apparently didn't seem to choose this shot over the one of the worm. I am still formulating ideas...just don't know where they may lead me.
Good luck!