IE keeps showing Error

I went to my site and changed pricing for a family member in one private gallery to get some prints at reduced pricing. After adjusting pricing IE reports Error and needs to shut down. I have now restarted my computer and have clicked on my site and I am still signed on and singed off after each restart. About 5 times now. Now I can not even open my site with out getting this IE Error and IE shutting down to report Error. After more than a year with SM I have had almost no problems and now have to sign off with out knowing what state my site is in. I will be awake for a few a little while but I wake at 04:00am to go to work, any help.
xtnomad :wink
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this post was moved in 2 Mins. flat and have now waited over an hour for a responce, now it seems that i can not veiw any SM gallery of any body's site on SM. I guess i will take a CD to CVS and have some prints made in 5 mins. And snail mail the prints to my family member. glad it was not a some one wanting PRO prints.
We promise instant support at our help desk. Things are a bit slower at Dgrin.
Are you running Norton by any chance? We're chasing down a possible norton update issue.
We are terribly sorry to hear that you are having problems viewing
SmugMug. We've had some reports about this recently and we are
concerned. Our house pro and some of our engineers are very busy trying
to find out what is going on right now. It seems that this may have
been due to an update with Windows or with Norton. We suspect this
because all of the people reporting these issues have been using Norton
Antivirus. If you are running Norton, what version is it? Can you
please tell us if you are running Windows XP or Windows Vista? We
really need more information to track this down.
One of the people experiencing this problem stated that they received
instructions from Norton. They turned off Phishing protection in their
Norton and IE7 started working. They then noted that Norton installed a
toolbar on their browser. They turned off the toolbar and turned
Phishing back on and it worked. We are not sure if this is the answer,
but we suggest that you try it. Please let us know what happens.
One more thing that you can try is to manually update your Norton. We
suspect that there has been an update and manually updating Norton may
Again, we are sorry that this is happening. We did not make any
adjustments to SmugMug and this has caught us a little off guard. But
we are researching it and we are very hopeful to have a solution found
very soon. Again, we will need to know if you are using Windows XP or
Vista and what version of Norton you have. If you don't have Norton,
please let us know what Antivirus you are running.
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AppName ieexplorer.exe
Modver 7.0.6000.16481
AppVer 7.0.6000.16473
offset 000020b8
modname mshtml.dll
The other info is to great to try to copy in the details screen. I went into norton tonight and tried to turn off the phisher off but could not find a setting for it, I also went in to internet settings and the phisher settings is disabled. The problem is the same tonight, I open my home page and it loads fine but when I click on a gallery all but one photo opens and that is when I receive the error. Hope this helps. other than that every other site i go to works fine. Hope this helps. Sincerly stuck like chuck.