IE7 Crashing? Got Norton too? Read here please.
Hello, updated to 7 last night & noticed today that when I open a gallery on my site (outdoor images) I get an error report and it closes when I click on a picture or attempt to page forward. Any advice? Thanks, Gordon Campbell.
Yes. I'm willing to bet you also have Norton Installed. Try these steps please?
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Thanks, Andy that seems to have cured the problem. Gordon.
Today I inserted an sd card w/new shots into my card reader & I'm constantly getting an "Auto Play" window popping up- can't transfer the pics and it's making even typing this nearly impossible- any suggestions?? Also Andy, regarding yesterday's advice in dealing w/ that Norton problem, should I reactivate it when not on Smugmug??
Thanks,, Gordon.
Your norton protection is on. It's just that browser helper object is busted by norton for some reason, we don't know why and Norton isn't very uh, helpful
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Thanks Andy. If anyone else may have a clue about this Auto Play window popping up & making anything to do with viewing or transferring image files impossible, I'd really appreciate a reply. Gordon Campbell.
Explorer to copy files.
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Everytime I have tried to view photos in either one of my smug galleries, or any other smug gallery, my browser shuts down. I can look at all the galleries that are available. I open one, the photos start to load, then suddenly they stop, and I get an error message, and then I'm booted off the internet.
Is anyone else having these problems? I've visited tons of other sites today, with no such error, just smug sites. I've rebooted, cleared cookies, did a system restore, but I still happens.
Am I all alone here?
I'm not getting a crash, just that the site is not there. If I reload 1 or 2 times it will show up...
I've had some slow page loading lately too, but this is the first day I've had the browser crash. Most times the last photo that's trying to load wont, then crash! If all the photos load, it crashes when I try to go to the next page of photos, or view a larger version of the featured photo. Wierd.
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Thanks Allen, that did the trick. As always, you were a big help!
What's the long-term solution for this issue? Is this something that Symantec needs to fix? If so, are they working on it? This issue is going to affect a lot of users as Norton Internet Security comes pre-installed on many new PC's and laptops nowadays, as it did with my HP PC and Sony laptop. I know a couple family members who are also running Norton Internet Security and use IE 7. I shouldn't have to explain to them how to disable that Norton plug-in just so they can view my Smugmug galleries again without having their browsers crash. Not just family members. I often post links to my galleries on other message forums. I'll be relunctant to do that until this is fixed and doesn't involve the users changing their browser settings.
They're promising a fix to their bug.
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I've used IE for years with smugmug and no problems. I am using a PC with Windows XP and cannot view any Smugmug galleries without IE crashing. It's only happening on Smugmug and it happens as the images are loading.
It's most likely to do with having Norton installed on your computer, read this for info on how to fix the resolve the issue.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
the stupid red note I show on pages for IE users.
<div id="IEnotice"><a href=""
target="_blank">IE Crashing When Clicking on PICS?<br>
Got NORTON? CLICK HERE for FIX </a></div>
:hide or change it to "IE sucks, get a real browser"
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They are promising a fix to their bug.
We are constantly emailing Norton about this. It really sucks.
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Since Int Expl 7 caused so many problems I've gone back to 6 & am having those crashing problems that I originally brought up here w/ 7. Any ideas on how to re adjust back to 6 where I never had crash problems?? Thanks, Gordon C.
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Andy- that worked, thanks again. If anyone is interested I'm running a Dell laptop w/ XP Service Pack 2 & IE7 caused all sorts of problems while 6 works fine. Gordon C.
..yeah, no kidding. I've lost quite a bit of traffic even with sticking a note on the site. Appreciate your diligence!
I will try writing them, but they usually never listen to me. Used to hate McAfee and now I also hate Norton. ..just too intrusive! ..and they want to suck up more and more cpu. a note, I find ad-Watch from ad-Aware much nicer for popup and reg hack protection.
So um, hello Symantec? It was us (me actually, with a customer I worked with over the phone) who figured out that their BHO crashed Explorer
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I became aware of this issue last night the hard way. hooked up my new computer a few days ago. went to my site last night and the windows explorer kept closing. went to the Dgrin support forum and found this thread. I did the 'fix', and mine now works.
but I'm VERY concerned about this. while it may be a Norton bug, it's a BIG Smugmug problem. the fact that the only sites so far that are crashing the explorer are Smugmug galleries, confirms that it's Smugmug problem.
Even if norton does eventually fix the bug, there will stil be thousands, and thousands, of new systems out there that will have this problem.
after weeks of dilligence on my part, I've been granted access to shoot action photos at the largest, non-school,private soccer league in this part of the state, 150+ teams. it kicks off(pun
I can live with a temporary solution.
but the idea that I will spend the next few weeks, or months, telling my new customers that they have to do 'this and that', to view their pics, is out of the question.
I, as well as many other Smugmug users, need assurance from the Fantastic SM support team that they are dillgentely working on fixing this, in case norton fails us.
botom line; do I spend the next two weeks relaxing, fishing, having fun, or do I spend it setting up my galleries somewhere that doesn't have this issue. which is apparently, the rest of the internet.
sorry for such a 'rash' post, but I consider this a VERY serious issue.
I'm working on it every single day. I wish I had more info and a fix from Norton today on this, but I don't.
:gun2 Norton
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I just discovered I had the same problem. I followed your instructions and it fixed my problem.
Just want to say thanks for quickly finding an interim solution and continuing to work with Norton on getting a permanent fix. Smugmug support is top notch.
All should be fine in Norton-land, and anyone who has disabled the Browser Helper Add-on should be able to enable it again, and then browse SmugMug style galleries with no difficulty.
Please let us know, thanks!
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And it is... thanks to continued great customer support. Norton sent me a couple of e-mails, but they wanted me to shut down functionality of there software... not surprised that you guys (and gals) figured it out without them. Norton is still wondering what's going on..