Arena Football: Alaska Wild vs. San Angelo Stampede

This is the first indoor match I've ever been to, taken at the final game of the Wild's premiere (expansion) season. Shot from the stands with a 70-200 2.8 IS @ 800 ISO.
#1: Wild intro

#2: QB rollout

#3: Defensive tip

#4: Gang tackle

#5: Endzone pass

#6: Stampede run

#7: Stampede run

#8: QB pressure

#9: And a couple of cheerleader pics, just for kicks... :wink



Comments welcome.
#1: Wild intro

#2: QB rollout

#3: Defensive tip

#4: Gang tackle

#5: Endzone pass

#6: Stampede run

#7: Stampede run

#8: QB pressure

#9: And a couple of cheerleader pics, just for kicks... :wink



Comments welcome.
Scott Mikkelsen
I Live at
Thanks Gus, I checked out your gallery - very stellar images there. The comet shots are simply spectacular!
Thanks for your comments Moose, yes it is quite the challenge indeed. Very quick play and not enough light. And the light that is there cycles so exposures from the same play may actually be different. Missed out on a few key plays because of too much motion blur...oh well. Got to get what you can take when you can I guess. Oh, BTW your Dragons shots are terrific; man I like those uniforms!
Yes, they had some trouble starting out there...not sure exactly what the problem was, but it looks like they may have things sorted out now. I hope...
That's cool you are at the level to do something like that; wish I had the chance when I was in my prime...long way from there now though...
Thanks for commenting Kelsey, I really enjoyed looking at all the great photos in your gallery. Man, those climbing pics (especially from Utah) are killer. Hopefully I can travel the world like you have some day.
Right-O, thanks for the info. I just may try heading a bit further north... Thanks again.