I think the shadows are a bit dark, but my monitor isn't calibrated; if anything, it's probably too bright. I need to put that on my list of things to do.
I think the composition could be helped a bit too; her foot could be in the frame, and her head could be on the top right third (i.e. down and to the right a bit), with a bit more space for her to look through on the left.
I don't see a picture.
- Wes
That would be the "low light", I guess.
Very low light-- might want to increase your ISO and open up that aperture
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
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Here are a few things you may consider.
I think the shadows are a bit dark, but my monitor isn't calibrated; if anything, it's probably too bright. I need to put that on my list of things to do.
I think the composition could be helped a bit too; her foot could be in the frame, and her head could be on the top right third (i.e. down and to the right a bit), with a bit more space for her to look through on the left.
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