>> vote for challenge 32 winner <<

please choose the winner of challenge 32. finalists chosen by shay stephens and me (70% match). hqsbud failed to fulfill his obligation of winning challenge 31, that being to co-judge the next challenge. from now on, i'm holding the prize until after the next challenge 
pelican ballet in golden brown by ginger

lemondade in february by snapapple

sunny delights by nee7x7

coats by 4labs

trees - kenya by whamilton101

red pepper by stan

flame wars by adriank

close to gold by yuri pautov

black coffee by dkoyanagi

lone surfer by christb4us

pelican ballet in golden brown by ginger

lemondade in february by snapapple

sunny delights by nee7x7

coats by 4labs

trees - kenya by whamilton101

red pepper by stan

flame wars by adriank

close to gold by yuri pautov

black coffee by dkoyanagi

lone surfer by christb4us

vote for the winner of challenge 32 118 votes
pelican ballet in golden brown by ginger
17 votes
lemondade in february by snapapple
12 votes
sunny delights by nee7x7
8 votes
coats by 4labs
9 votes
trees - kenya by whamilton101
10 votes
red pepper by stan
4 votes
flame wars by adriank
8 votes
close to gold by yuri pautov
15 votes
black coffee by dkoyanagi
24 votes
lone surfer by christb4us
11 votes
we had like 48 or 49 entries. pretty kewl.
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You would have had one more if I hadn't slept in this morning. I thought it was Sunday.
http://www.lifekapptured.com (gallery)
Let's see it!
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
I posted it to my PhotoBlog today.
I burnt myself with the candles twice, so I had to post it somewhere
http://www.lifekapptured.com (gallery)
All great
My Galleries
Hard to believe because there were so many outstanding entries (and of course I'm most critical of my own, so my shock is quite real)! Thanks for choosing my little weed flower as a finalist. I bow to the other entries in humble admiration~
Congrats to all on a really fun challenge and to Andy and Shay for having to make the tough decisions on which to choose, when there were so many really fine ones!
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all the evidence that you tried~
This just keeps getting better and better. See ya'll when I get back.. hopefully with an emotional picture.
Kisses all round and be good ya'll.
Cool. Nice blog, too. Hey if you're making money as a photographer, why do you spend so much time making excuses for being a beginner? You've got a great eye, and some great shots. Just my two cents. Spend more time talking about what you are rather than what you could be, or what you're working towards.
Also, I read your bio, and (I hope I'm not throwing too much at you), but you committed one of my pet peeves — double spaces between sentences. I think your bio would read better and look better with one space between sentences. In the book linked above, Robin Williams talks about that and other typesetting issues in very plain terms. That's a great book, one that I read back in 1989, I believe, and one that still holds true today.
Anyway, thanks for sharing, nice shot, great blog, love your work...
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
Writing is not a strong point of mine, not even close..lol. I never knew double spaced was a bad thing to do? I've got a new version of my bio that will be going up in the next few days. I'll make the adjustments there
Thanks for the helpful comments. I'm always looking to improve weather it be in my photography, or presentation.
http://www.lifekapptured.com (gallery)
That definitely comes across. Good job.
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
I admit that once I realized the schedule conflict, I took the consequences lightly, as I felt that this community is for learning and for fun. I have enough stress in my life at this time without voluntarily adding to it. A private message from Andy showed me that I was quite alone in taking this lightly.
With that, I will not redeem my prize from Challenge 31, and I regretfully resign from being a participant on this board as any further participation makes me feel tainted.
Many sincere thanks to everyone for the wonderful feedback and sharing of experiences. Once again, I am sorry.
aw stop it. we want you to stay, participate, and win again, so i can exact revenge on you in the proper manner!
no worries
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