Brooklyn Cruise Terminal

Any New Yorkers out there know the best place to shoot the Brooklyn Cruise Terminal? My parents will be on one of the three Queens when the QE2, QM2 and QV are all docked there in January. It will likely be a big event with fireworks, weather permitting, as the three sisters leave port together. I'd love to find a nice place to shoot it from above, or even a place to shoot the ships from the ground if possible. Any suggestions would be great. Thanks!
40D, 10-22, 70-200 f/2.8L IS, 75-300 IS, 1.4x TC
Sorry I could not be more help.....yet.
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Happen to be a cunard fan if you can't tell by my name and avatar. QM2 will be docked in Brooklyn while the QV and QE2 will be at the world cruise terminal. You may have to make a decision on which one you want to shoot. Good luck. You won't seen three Queens from Cunard any longer. QE2 has been sold to Dubai effective November 2008.
After a few quick minutes of research here is a link to google maps where the two docking locations are. I wish they could get all three up the Hudson. Hope this helps.,-73.998671&daddr=Van+Brunt+St+%4040.674530,+-74.016200&mrsp=0,1&sz=14&mra=mi&sll=40.767282,-73.997555&sspn=0.036858,0.09407&ie=UTF8&ll=40.73295,-73.985023&spn=0.147508,0.376282&t=h&z=12&om=1
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Thanks for the info. Are you sure all 3 aren't going to be docked together? I could have sworn I read that somewhere from Cunard. It was supposed to be a big deal since QE2 is being retired. It will be disappointing if they aren't. My folks will be on the tandem QE2/QV crossing. I think they were expecting to dock in Brooklyn. Although I must say the Manhattan cruise terminal looks much more appealing to me location wise
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Hi Cunader534,
I just spoke to a Cunard Rep. and he said, quote " yes, all 3 Queens will be in Brooklyn and Cunard is planning on making it a big event but nothing is finalized as of yet". We are sailing on the QM2 Jan. 13th so we can be a part of the 3 Queens.
PS: I LOVE your login name and please say hi to Mary for me the next time you see her. Your photos of her are beautiful!
Betsy, thanks for the confirmation! I have to admit I was kind of hoping I didn't have to go to Brooklyn, but now that I know for sure all 3 queens will be there I'm very excited about it
If you can, please post any new information you happen across as the dates get closer.
I've cruised twice out of NY Cruise Ship Terminal in NYC and I have torued using the Circle Line Tour. The Staten Island Ferry is right there and may pass by from the water - you will have to confirm that - but also check with Circle Line Tours and New York Waterways (done that one back in 01 jsut before 9/11...). You might get them from the River.
Flash Frozen Photography, Inc.
Hi Jennifer,
Of course I'll be happy to let you know when I hear anything more. We were onboard Mary when the QM2 came by to say hi last year so I'm very excited to be a part of the 3 Queens in NY. Did you know that QV will be in L.A. the end of Jan? I belong to the RMS Queen Mary Foundation and I think they are hoping for another "Royal Rendezvous" with QV and Mary.
Thanks! That is GREAT news!
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I'll be there, camera equipment in tow
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*sigh* sold out... :cry